DRF Programs

A DRF program in Taskstream refers to a Directed Response Folio (DRF). It is a structured online portfolio that guides students through specific tasks or assignments, allowing them to submit work for evaluation.
  • DRF Program Setup

    The DRF Program settings define how participating individuals interact with the program's requirements. When creating a DRF Program, numerous preferences are set and participants are enrolled as Authors, Reviewers, and/or Evaluators to facilitate how work will be done, scored, and distributed.  Creating Your DRF Program  After creating a DRF Template, you will need to c...

  • How Do I Access a Shared DRF Template?

    TS Coordinators can choose to share their DRF templates with one another. The option to share appears in Step 4: Preferences of the template setup. To copy (and optionally adapt) an existing template from your community At the top of the DRF Template Builder home page, click Copy a DRF Template. You are navigated to a page to Select a DRF Template Category. Use the pul...

  • Creating a DRF Program

    Below are articles that will walk you through the process of setting up your DRF programs: How can I make a copy of a DRF template? Assigning DRF Template Evaluation Methods DRF Template Construction Changing a DRF Template in Use DRF Program Setup For further assistance with this process, click Submit a Request to raise a ticket with our Support Team. 

  • DRF Template Construction

    To Access the DRF Template Builder Tools 1. Click TS Coordinator from the top menu and then click DRF Template Builder   2. Click Create New   3. Enter a title for your new DRF Template then click Create New DRF Template (Optional) If you created custom folders on your homepage to organize your work, you can choose to add your new DRF Template to one of these folders...

  • Changing Evaluation Methods in a DRF Template

    Under certain conditions, you can modify the evaluation method assigned to a category/requirement in the DRF template even after evaluations have begun. This includes modifying details of the assigned evaluation method, entirely removing evaluation from the area, and assigning a different evaluation method.   What you can change will depend on the evaluation metho...

  • How to Attach a Rubric to a DRF Template

    A rubric created in Taskstream can be used an evaluation method in a DRF program. The rubric must be attached to the DRF template as an evaluation method. To attach a rubric to your DRF Template, follow the directions below:1. Go to TS Coordinator in the top navigation bar and click DRF Template Builder 2. Click the name of the template that you'd like to attach the r...

  • Assigning DRF Template Evaluation Methods

    About Evaluation Methods  In order for the various artifacts students are submitting in the DRF to be assessed, the appropriate evaluation  instrument (rubric, form, etc.) must be assigned to each category/requirement. These assignments are made in the  Step 3: Evaluations tab in the DRF Template Builder.   Consistency wherever possible is recommended when assigning eva...

  • Manual Grouping

    The third step in developing your program is to define your grouping needs. The purpose of grouping is to define which Reviewers/Evaluators will be working with which Authors. Set Grouping Preference Upon clicking the Grouping tab for the first time for a new program, you will be presented with three types of grouping preferences for Reviewers and Evaluators. Once you ...

  • Changing a DRF Template in Use

    Situations may occasionally arise where there is a need to make changes to a DRF Template that is currently in use by participants. Once a template is in use, this will limit the types of changes you can make because data preservation is extremely important to the Taskstream system. The tables below provide an overview of the types of changes that can be made after s...

  • DRF Program Enrollment; How to Enroll (and Unenroll) Students, Evaluators, Managers

    As a TS Coordinator, you can enroll users into a DRF program manually through the specific DRF program, or you can enroll a user into multiple DRF programs.   How to Manually Enroll a User into a Specific DRF Program 1: Click TS Coordinator, then DRF Programs.2. On the following screen, select the DRF name. 3: Click the Enrollment tab.4: This will show a list of current...

  • Enable Anonymity in DRF Program

    To encode names for anonymity in a Taskstream DRF Program follow the directions below:TS Coordinator >> DRF Programs >> Select Program name >>> Select Setup tabSelect "Edit Program Options" and check the Enable box next to Author Anonymity. Authors' names will be anonymized for evaluators and evaluation managers.Please note that anonymity will not extend to TS Coordinat...

  • Restricting Visibility in a DRF Program

    It is possible to make DRF requirements invisible to students who have not yet been evaluated and/or all future program participants. Similarly, you can also hide requirements from evaluators. This can be done by following the steps below:1. Click the TS Coordinator button in the top navigation bar. 2. Click the DRF Programs link. 3. Select the program you wish to modif...

  • Multiple Evaluation vs. Outside Evaluation

    There are two features available in LAT to assist with measuring inter-rater reliability. The Multiple Evaluation capability requires multiple evaluations for a single submission. In this case, at least one individual must be given the Reconciler permission. This permission enables you to reconcile multiple evaluations, suspend evaluation and call for additional evalua...

  • Attaching Forms to DRF Templates

    You can select a Custom Form (designed in the Form & Survey Builder) for Authors to complete as part of a requirement in the DRF. Their completed form can then be submitted to Reviewers and/or Evaluators.   To begin, click TS Coordinator. Click the DRF Template Builder link. Click the Edit button that corresponds to the DRF Template to which you wish to attach a fo...

  • edTPA Program Setup in Taskstream

    Below are resources that provide detailed instructions to help you set up your edTPA programs in Taskstream:Video to walk you through the steps of setting up an edTPA program: edTPA Setup Walkthrough Video Content Areas Which content areas will you need for your students that are completing the edTPA?   Copying edTPA Templates Note: If you have not already, ple...

  • How can I change/modify a due date in my DRF?

    In order to modify the due date for an existing assignment in your DRF Program, please follow the directions below:1. Click TS Coordinator from the top menu bar2. Click DRF Program in the DRF (Directed Response Folio) Assessment System section3. Click the name of the program you wish to edit, or click Edit to the right of its name4. Click on Tab 2: DRF Template to acces...

  • How can I make a copy of a DRF template?

    Making a copy of a DRF template will allow you to reuse the original structure of your DRF. You can make edits to the copied DRF template without compromising any evaluation data associated with the original template.To make a copy of your DRF, first click TS Coordinator from the top menu bar. Then click on DRF Template Builder under the DRF Assessment System section. I...

  • Quickscore in DRF Programs

    QuickScore enables Evaluators to simultaneously evaluate submitted work items for multiple students within a Category or Requirement of a single Directed Response Folio (DRF) Program.QuickScore can be enabled for DRF Programs via the Setup Tab and can also be added to existing DRF Programs. To enable the QuickScore functionality in an existing DRF Program, click TS Coo...

  • Enroll participants in a collaborative program

    To Enroll Participants, from the TS Coordinator main menu, click Collaborative Programs.1.Click the Collaborative Program name.2. Go to the Enrollment tab.3. Click Authors, Reviewers, or Managers. This launches the Member Locator window.Type in a name to search, or use the advanced search options on the left. After you select the individuals, you can view them listed i...

  • Deactivating a DRF Program

    In order to preserve and maintain data, it is not possible to delete a program in Taskstream. As an alternative to deleting, you can make a program inactive.  By making a program inactive, it will no longer appear on the home page for participants to access. As a manager of the program, you can still access an inactive program from the TS Coordinator area.To make a prog...

  • Authorization Code for Edits that May Delete Data

      As a TS Coordinator, if you are trying to delete a DRF requirement or rubric element that is currently in use, you'll be prompted to enter an authorization code before proceeding with the deletion. This step is a precautionary measure to ensure the integrity of your data and requires an issuance by the Watermark Support Team. Authorization codes play a crucial role in...

  • Create a New Collaborative Program

    To create a new Collaborative Program, click TS Coordinator from the top menu bar, and then click the Collaborative Programs link. Next, select the Click Here to Create a New Collaborative Program button.Define the Program:Fill in a title and a description for your Program. If you have chosen to build folders for organizational purposes, you can choose to file your new ...

  • Hiding or Restricting Access to a DRF Requirement for Students/ Evaluators

    If the unneeded requirement is part of a DRF Template where evaluations occur at the requirement level, you can restrict access to the requirements by following the steps below.Doing so will make the requirements invisible to students who have not yet been evaluated for the requirement and/or all future program participants. Please note that the requirement will contin...

  • Test Score Import Setup and Evaluation

    1. To begin, log into your account with TS Coordinator access. 2. Select TS Coordinator from the navigation bar at the top of the screen. 3. Select the DRF Template Builder link and then select the name of the DRF Template you would like to edit. 4. If you are creating a new Test/GPA requirement, hover your mouse over a category and select the downward face arrow. A ...