Create a New Collaborative Program

To create a new Collaborative Program, click TS Coordinator from the top menu bar, and then click the Collaborative Programs link. Next, select the Click Here to Create a New Collaborative Program button.

Define the Program:

Fill in a title and a description for your Program. If you have chosen to build folders for organizational purposes, you can choose to file your new collaborative Program in an organizational folder that you identify in the Add to Folder pull-down menu. The title will appear on the Home page, so it should be something descriptive enough for participants to easily identify. The Program Description should provide an overview and introduction to your Program. This description will appear in the Overview area after a participant selects the Program from the Program list.

The Check Spelling button checks the spelling of any information you have entered. After the setup information has been entered, click Create Program.

Select Your Own Permissions in this Program

At this point, you will be prompted to select your roles and management permissions for this Program.

To select the roles and management permissions you will need for this Program, click the appropriate checkboxes. You can also assign other people to be Reviewers or have management permissions via the Enrollment tab. Click Continue to proceed.

Set Program Status

The Program Status step is the final step in the Program creation process. You can keep the status of a Program inactive until the setup has been completed and the Program is ready to be used by the participants.

To change the program status, click the status tab.

The Program Status area displays a checklist to determine whether program setup is complete. This checklist also contains links to each section of the Program to provide easy access for editing.

Click the Change Status to Active button to display the same Program status page, which now informs you that the Program is active and that enrolled participants can begin working in the Program.

To make the Program inactive, click Change Status to Inactive.

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