TS Coordinators can choose to share their DRF templates with one another.
The option to share appears in Step 4: Preferences of the template setup.
To copy (and optionally adapt) an existing template from your community
- At the top of the DRF Template Builder home page, click Copy a DRF Template.
- You are navigated to a page to Select a DRF Template Category. Use the pull-down list to selectTemplates created and shared by others in my learning community, and click Search.
Templates that YOU created are not listed here. To copy a template that you previously created, use the Copy feature on your DRF Template Builder landing page.
- You are navigated to page headed DRF Templates Created by Others in My Learning Community.
These templates are included in the pull-down list you see whenever you choose to Select/Adapt an Existing DRF Template from Step 2 of DRF Program Management.
Shared templates are listed in alphabetical order by name and are described by Creator and by the Date/Time created. If Evaluation methods have not been specified for all areas, the DRF Template will display as "Evaluation Setup Incomplete."
- (Optional; strongly suggested) Click Structure for any template to preview the contents.
- The structure of the selected template is displayed in a pop-up window.
- Click Close Window to close this preview.
- When a custom Category is available with sample templates distributed by Taskstream, the related templates are accompanied by a Preview button. For a pop-up web preview of any template in this category, click the related button.
- Click the Select this DRF Template button to the left of the template you want to copy, and then click Save & Continue. A confirmation screen displays.
When applicable, you are alerted to additional files that will be copied together with the template. This includes evaluation tools such as rubrics and forms, as well as artifacts such as questionnaires or sample submissions that may have been attached to the template for use by authors.
- (Optional) Click Cancel - Do Not Copy to return to the previous screen and start a new search.
- Enter a new title for this DRF Template (max 100 char). This is the name by which it will appear on your DRF Template Builder home page.
- Click Proceed with Copy. You are navigated directly to Step 2: Structure/Requirements, where you can begin to adapt your new template to your own program's needs.