Manual Grouping

The third step in developing your program is to define your grouping needs. The purpose of grouping is to define which Reviewers/Evaluators will be working with which Authors.

Set Grouping Preference

Upon clicking the Grouping tab for the first time for a new program, you will be presented with three types of grouping preferences for Reviewers and Evaluators. Once you have made your selections, click the Apply Changes button.


No Grouping Needed for DRF

The first option has Authors submitting work to a pool of all the Evaluators enrolled in the program. Evaluators are anonymous to the Author. If there are multiple Evaluators in the program, they will need to decide who will evaluate an Author, since any Evaluator can score any work submission. For this option, you will not need to create or manage groups.

No Manual Grouping, but Require Authors to Select Evaluator

The second option has Authors selecting which Evaluator to whom they are submitting work for each part of a DRF. Authors must know which Evaluators they need to submit work and only the Evaluator that an Author selects for a specific submission can score the associated work. For this option, you will not need to create or manage groups. If you have restricted the permission of Evaluators and All-Access Evaluators from evaluating the same work from the same author more than once, you will need to make sure that there are enough Evaluators available for them to select.


Multiple Groups for DRF

The third option has Authors submitting work for evaluation to the Evaluator(s) with whom the Author is grouped. Evaluators are anonymous to the Author and only the Evaluator(s) grouped with a specific Author may score submitted work. Choosing this option will require that you manually create and manage groups to pair Authors with Evaluators.

For this guide, we will be focusing on Multiple Groups for DRF. Multiple Groups for DRF has Authors submitting work for evaluation to the Evaluator(s) with whom the Author is grouped. Evaluators are anonymous to the Author and only the Evaluator(s) grouped with a specific Author may score that Author’s submitted work. Choosing this option will require that you manually create and manage groups, pairing Authors with Evaluators.


Access the Group Area

If you select a grouping option that requires you to create and manage Reviewer and/or Evaluator groups, you will need to create and populate groups. Click the Create, View, or Edit Evaluator Groups button to manage groups of Authors and Evaluators.


Create New Group

To create a new group, enter a group name in the Name New Group field, and then click the Create New Group button.



You are immediately prompted to select from a list of participant roles from a pull-down menu. For example, selecting All Authors will bring up everyone enrolled in the program as an Author.

Then click the Display Members button.

From the list of participants, select names by clicking the checkboxes. The Select All box will place checks in all of the boxes. Click the Add Checked to Group button to add all selected people to the group.

The group display lists all participants as you add them. Click the Add New Members to Group button from this screen to repeat the “Add to Group” process. You will need to repeat the process to add Evaluators or additional Authors to the Group.


Click the Back to All Groups button to return to the Grouping area for further management of the groups.


Add People to an Existing Group

To add people to an existing group, click the Manage button associated with the group name in the Grouping area.

Repeat the “Add to Group” process outlined in the Create a New Group section of this guide.


Remove Members from Group

To remove people from an existing group, click the Manage button associated with the group name in the Grouping Area.


Next, click the checkboxes associated with their name. Then click the Remove Checked Members from Group button.



Manage Group

Rename a Group

To rename a previously created group, click the Rename button associate with the group name in the Grouping area. Type in a new name and click the Rename Group button when finished.


View a Group

To view a group, click on the Group’s name.


Delete a Group

To delete a group, click the Delete button associate with the group name in the Grouping area. At the “Are you sure?” prompt, click the OK button. All members of the deleted group will be listed as “Not Grouped” in the Enrollment area.


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