Alert Configuration and Alert Notifications
Alert Notification Configuration - Email Delivery
When an alert is created, an alert notification can be sent to the student based on the Alert Notification configuration in Administration-Alerts. When a student is notified about an alert via email, the alert message may look similar to the following:
Note: Both Staff-Initiated Alerts and Automated Alerts that are sent...
Alert Outreach Methods
As a part of the 6.0 Release of SS&E, users now have the ability to track outreach methods that were utilized in resolving alerts. These methods can then be analyzed by the institution to determine the effectiveness surrounding particular intervention and resolution methods across campus.
Upon clicking Close Alert, staff will be able to outline the predefined Outreach ...
Staff Initiated Alert Administration
Staff Initiated Alerts, aka Early Alerts, are used by faculty and staff at the institution to raise an area of concern regarding a student.
All Staff Initiated Alerts are set up and configured within SS&E on the Staff Initiated Alert Administration page found here.
To learn more about setting up alert notifications, click here.
For more information on how to c...
Staff Initiated Alert Notification
Send Email to Staff
Whether to send an email to staff when a staff initiated alert is created.
An early alert notification email may be sent to the student's primary success team, a group of Alert Coordinator(s), or a Default Alert Coordinator, depending on whether the targeted student has a success team and whether the alert reason has Alert Coordinators....
Attendance Alert
The on-ground attendance alert identifies students who have missed n number of course meetings for a particular active course section. This data is either provided by the SIS or by using SS&E's attendance tracking module.
The alert will display the number of absences since the last alert displayed, i.e. the number of absences that have not yet been included in...
Completed Orientation But Not Registered Alert
This alert will identify students who have completed orientation at the institution but subsequently did not register for courses.
Base Selection Criteria
Find all students who have no future registrations n the number of days after orientation.
Ensure the alert has not been previously created for this student.
Person has the Student role.
Alert type of th...
Current Grade Alert
The current grade alert is an automated alert that identifies students who have a low grade below the configured threshold.
The current grade is pulled from the Learning Management System. As a result, only those sections that are recording grades via the LMS will be eligible to receive this alert.
Base Criteria
The Current Grade Alert will only run on the foll...
Overall GPA Alert
The Overall GPA alert is an automated alert that will identify students with a cumulative GPA less than a specified value.
The job that processes Overall GPA alerts runs each day at 2:15 PM local time. It checks each student's cumulative GPA (as imported from the SIS), and if that GPA has not changed in the time period defined in the "Alert Delay" setting the ...
Registration Reminder
The registration reminder alert identifies students who are registered for a current term, but have not yet registered for an upcoming term. A nightly job runs to create these alerts.
Duplicates are prevented as follows. The same student will not receive the same registration reminder alert if they have already been sent one for the "Not Registered Terms" selected at th...
Payment Reminder Alert
The payment reminder alert identifies students who have an outstanding balance over a certain amount with the institution and are registered for a specific academic term(s).
At most, a student may receive one payment reminder alert for any single academic term.
NOTE: The alert must define at least one registration term, otherwise the alert will not run.
For mo...
Off Plan Alert
The Off Plan alert identifies students who have not registered for a course that was added to their plan either by their advisor or the student.
This alert compares registration data importing from the SIS and matches those registrations against the planned courses.
This alert runs daily and will create alerts for students who qualify in a given term.
Notice to Withdraw - Self-Paced Course Sections
The notice to withdraw alert for self-paced course sections will identify those students who have previously received the first assignment submission alert and subsequently did not submit an assignment. This alert identifies the student as needing withdrawn from the course.
Base Selection Criteria
Select in-progress course sections.
Student has current registrations i...
No Email Address Alert
The No Email alert identifies those students in SS&E without an email address. This alert is typically set up for an institution administrator so that they can notify their IT staff when a student comes into SS&E without an email. Typically the student's record in the SIS will require updating when this occurs.
Selection Criteria
Person has the Student role.
Person has...
No Assigned Advisor Alert
The no assigned advisor alert identifies students who do not have an advisor as a member of their success team. Typically this alert is an administrator-level alert that provides information as to incorrect student/advisor setup in the underlying student information system.
Selection Criteria
Student has current registrations in the course sections.
No primary advisor ...
Midterm Grade Alert
The Midterm Grade Alert identifies students who have a low midterm grade based on configured values.
The alert can be configured to handle a variety of grades, or can be configured for only a specific grade. This allows you to tailor these alerts to fit your specific needs, for example, you may want one alert to go if a student has a midterm grade of C or D an...
LMS Course Last Login Alert
The LMS Last Login alert identifies students who have not accessed an online course section in an institution's learning management system within n number of days.
Base Selection Criteria
Select in-progress course sections.
Student has an enrollment in an in-progress course section and does not have a final grade recorded.
Course section is an online course section.
First Week Attendance Alert
The first week attendance alert is one of the most important alerts within SS&E. It identifies students who have not attended any meetings during the first week of each class in a new term so that outreach can be performed by success professionals.
The First Week Attendance alert is based off each individual Course Section Start Date.
The First Week Attendanc...
First Assignment Submission - Self-Paced Course Sections
The purpose of this alert is to determine when students who have registered for a self-paced course have not submitted their first assignment in a specific number of days.
Base Selection Criteria
Select in-progress course sections.
Student has current registrations in the course sections.
Course section is marked as self-paced.
No first assignment has been submitted w...
First Assignment Submission - Online Courses
The first assignment submission alert identifies online courses where an assignment has not yet been submitted by the student in the first n days after course section start.
Base Selection Criteria
Select in-progress course sections.
Course section is an online course section.
This alert has not yet run for the course section.
Student has current registrations in the c...