The payment reminder alert identifies students who have an outstanding balance over a certain amount with the institution and are registered for a specific academic term(s).
At most, a student may receive one payment reminder alert for any single academic term.
NOTE: The alert must define at least one registration term, otherwise the alert will not run.
- For more information about the student's outstanding balance, click here.
Alert type of this alert. Will be "Payment Reminder".
Name of the alert
Internal, administrator only, description of the alert.
Whether the alert is active or not. An active alert is shown in SS&E and is able to be selected on the Settings screen by users in order to receive notifications of this alert type.
Start Date
The date the alert should start running.
- In order for this alert to be taken into consideration, the alert must be active and today's date must be after the start date set on the alert configuration, eg. as soon as the system finds that the start date is in the past, the alert will start running.
End Date
The date the alert should stop running.
- In order for this alert to be taken into consideration, the alert must be active and today's date must be after the end date. eg. as soon as the system finds that the end date is in the past, the alert will stop running.
Staff UI Text
The template text that will be used on the news feed, in the daily digest email, and on the student's profile. This text is copied from the default text setup for this alert type.
Staff Roles
The roles that can view and opt in to being notified of the alert. This is done in a user's Settings area.
Notify Students
Whether to notify the student, by email, when the alert is created.
Student Email Subject
The subject text for the email to be sent to the student.
Student Email Body
The body text for the email to be sent to the student. The following variables may be used in the body of the email text:
- ${advisor.firstName} - Advisor First Name
- ${advisor.lastName} - Advisor Last Name
- ${advisor.fullName} - Advisor Full Name
- ${coach.firstName} - Coach First Name
- ${coach.lastName} - Coach Last Name
- ${coach.fullName} - Coach Full Name
- ${student.firstName} - Student First Name
- ${student.lastName} - Student Last Name
- ${student.fullName} - Student Full Name
- ${academicCalendar.displayName} - The name of the term
- ${academicCalendarNames} - If multiple academic calendars/terms are chosen in the alert setup, then this variable will have all term names joined together with a "," separating each.
Payment Alert Amount
The amount threshold that the student's balance must be greater than in order to trigger the alert.
- The alert may run once a term/per student if the student's Balance Due amount is greater than the payment alert amount.
- If you only wish to trigger the alert after taking into consideration future payment plan amounts and pending or disbursed financial aid award amounts, the logic will need to be included in the Person data feed "balanceDue" data extract definitions.
- Configuring the logic to set the amount that imports in the Person data feed Balance Due value is what will change the amount that displays on the Student Finances tab on the UI, which is used to trigger the payment reminder alert yes/no.
Included Tags
The tags this alert will run for. If this is empty, no filtering on tags will occur.
Excluded Tags
The tags to exclude from this alert.
Registration Terms
The terms for which a student must have an active registration (transcript course record) in order to receive the payment reminder alert.
- Status is Registered on at least one course in the registration term.
- Student/course/term registration data is imported from the SIS on the Transcript Course data feed.