Staff Initiated Alert Notification


Send Email to Staff

Whether to send an email to staff when a staff initiated alert is created.

  • An early alert notification email may be sent to the student's primary success team, a group of Alert Coordinator(s), or a Default Alert Coordinator, depending on whether the targeted student has a success team and whether the alert reason has Alert Coordinators.
  • By design, Followers are NOT notified via email when an alert is created.
  • Early Alert email messages can be viewed from the Message Report, by checking messages sent from the system user.

Staff Email Subject

The subject text for the email to be sent to the staff when an alert is created.

  • When setting the Staff Email Subject variables, use the Insert menu displayed in Edit mode.
  • ONLY variables that are included in the dropdown may be used. If any other variables are included, these will not be resolved and the email will display a "broken" link.
      • For example, when creating a link to the UI, some links use the Aviso Internal Student Id and other links must use the Avios Internal Student Affiliation Id. For this reason, alert message body notifications are usually configured and tested during implementation.


Staff Email Body

The body of text included in the email to be sent to staff.

  • ONLY variables that are included in the dropdown may be used. If any other variables are included, these will not be resolved and the email will display a "broken" link.
      • For example, when creating a link to the UI, some links use the Aviso Internal Student Id and other links must use the Avios Internal Student Affiliation Id. For this reason, alert message body notifications are usually configured and tested during implementation.
      • When adding a message body link post implementation, please make sure to test it first to make sure it resolves correctly and opens in the right place on the UI! For example, if a student link does not work, try the other Student Id option.
        2023-11-06 09_47_14-Brian Diller, Carter Brown - Watermark - 17 new items - Slack.png
  • When setting the Staff Email Body variables, use the Insert menu displayed in Edit mode.


The following variables may be used in the body of the email text: 

  • ${student.firstName} - Student First Name
  • ${student.lastName} - Student Last Name
  • ${student.fullName} - Student Full Name
  • ${student.emailAddress} - Student Email Address
  • $[} - An Internal Id used by SS&E (is not visible from the UI)
  • ${} - Student's Affiliation Id
      • An Internal Id that is used to create a link to the student record in SS&E: link text here
  • ${creator.firstName} - Creator First Name
  • ${creator.lastName} - Creator Last Name
  • ${creator.fullName} - Creator Full Name
  • ${} - Early alert reason name
  • ${earlyAlertInitiatedText} - The comment the creator of the alert enters at the time of creation
  • ${advisor.firstName} - Student's advisor's first name
  • ${advisor.lastName} - Student's advisor's last name
  • ${advisor.fullName} - Student's advisor's full name
  • ${advisor.emailAddress} - Student's advisor's email address
  • ${advisor.preferredPhoneNumber} - Student's advisor's preferred phone number
  • ${coach.firstName} - Student's coach's first name
  • ${coach.lastName} - Student's coach's last name
  • ${coach.fullName} - Student's coach's full name
  • ${coach.emailAddress} - Student's coach's email address
  • ${coach.preferredPhoneNumber} - Student's coach's preferred phone number
  • ${institution.avisoUrl} - Your institution's SS&E url (

For example, in order to create a hyperlink within the email message body, select the link icon, then enter the URL and the text that displays in the email message body which opens on the URL.

  • In the following screenshot, "Please click here to address this identified issue." opens on the following URL: ${institution.avisoUrl}/advisor/students/${} which opens on the identified student record.


The following variable fields are also available if the early alert was created from a course section (as these are not populated when created directly from the student's profile page):

  • ${courseSection.course.code} - Course Code
  • ${} - Course Name
  • ${instructor.firstName} - Instructor First Name
  • ${instructor.lastName} - Instructor Last Name
  • ${instructor.fullName} - Instructor Full Name
  • ${instructor.emailAddress} - Instructor Email Address
  • ${courseSection.section} - Course Section Number
  • ${courseSection.course.code} - Course Code
  • ${} - Course Name

Preview Email

Use this button to view what the Staff Email will look like.

Send Email to Students - Yes/No

Whether or not the student for whom the alert is about will be notified via email about the early alert.

When checked and set to "Notify Students - Yes":

  • A student will be notified even if they do not have access to early alerts/the staff initiated alert reason, eg. even if they do NOT have permission to access the alert by role or alert reason.
  • The email that is sent will be generated based on the following "Student Email Subject" and "Student Email Body" template fields.  
  • The alert form will display "student firstname lastname will be notified of this alert."
  • Early Alert email messages can be viewed from the Message Report, by checking messages sent from the system user.

When NOT checked and set to "Notify Students - No":

  • Students will not be notified about the alert.
  • The alert form will display "student firstname lastname will not be notified of this alert."

Note: There is currently an issue where the field setting label is incorrect in Edit mode, however the help text is correct. This has been reported and is waiting to be fixed.

Student Email Subject

The subject of the email that will be sent to the student (only if "Notify Students" is enabled). 

  • When setting the Student Email Subject variables, use the Insert menu displayed in Edit mode.


Sample Student Email Subject: 

You have been identified for an Early Alert#if(${courseSection}) in ${courseSection.course.code}-${courseSection.section} - ${}#end for ${}

Student Email Body

The body of the email that will be sent to the student (only if "Notify Students" is enabled).

  • When setting the Student Email Body variables, use the Insert menu displayed in Edit mode.


Sample Student Email Body: 

Our records indicate that you have been identified for an Early Alert#if(${courseSection}) in ${courseSection.course.code}-${courseSection.section} - ${}#end for ${} by ${creator.fullName}.

Preview Email

Use this button to view what the Student Email will look like.

Closed Email Subject & Body

When an alert is closed, the creator of the alert will receive an email notification so they are aware that the alert they created has been closed.

  • The creator of the alert will always receive an email when the alert is closed.
  • The person who is closing the alert can choose whether or not to include their closing comments in the "alert closing" notification while closing the alert itself.


The Closed Email Subject and Closed Email Body settings allow this notification to be customized, and supports the following variable fields:

  • ${studentFullName} - The name of the student for whom the alert was created
  • ${includeNoteInEmailResponse} - This is whether or not the person who closed the alert checked the box to allow the comments to be sent to the creator.
      • The ${earlyAlertClosedNoteText} will be blank if they did NOT allow comments to be sent, so this variable isn't strictly necessary to make sure comments are not sent to the creator.
  • ${earlyAlertClosedByFullName} - The name of the person who closed the alert.
  • ${earlyAlertCreatedDate} - The date the alert was created.
  • ${earlyAlertClosedDate} - The date the alert was closed.
  • ${earlyAlertReason} - The reason that was chosen when the alert was created.
  • ${earlyAlertClosedNoteText} - The text that was entered by the person who closed the alert.
      • This variable will only be populated if the person who closed the alert chose to include the comments in the notification that is sent to the creator. Otherwise, it will be blank.
  • ${earlyAlertInitiatedText} - The comment that was entered by the creator when the alert was created.
  • ${earlyAlertInitiatorFullName} - The name of the person who created the alert.
  • ${earlyAlertCourseName} - Only if the alert was created from a course roster page, the course's name is included in this variable. Otherwise, it will be blank.

Preview Email

Use this button to view what the Closed Email will look like.

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