Off Plan Alert


The Off Plan alert identifies students who have not registered for a course that was added to their plan either by their advisor or the student.

This alert compares registration data importing from the SIS and matches those registrations against the planned courses.

  • This alert runs daily and will create alerts for students who qualify in a given term.
  • Students who have already received an alert inside of the academic term (including any lead time included in the "attributes" field listed below), will not receive a new alert.
  • Only academic terms that have started will be considered, taking into consideration the "Days before term start to run" setting (further explained below).
  • The off plan alert has no effect on the approval status of an academic plan. Only changes to the courses on the plan itself will change the approval status of a plan. 

For example:

Students that are not registered for a course that was on their plan will show an “off plan” status, and may also show that their academic plan is still "approved".

By design, the off plan status does not change the plan status to awaiting advisor feedback, since that depends on if the student made an actual adjustment to their plan.

  • If the student does not alter their plan in any way, the approved status will not change.
  • If the student does move courses around or drop a course that was on the plan within the platform, the plan status will change to require advisor feedback.

Base Selection Criteria

  1. Student is a current student at the institution.
  2. The student's academic plan is in an approved status.
  3. Student has not already received an off-plan alert for the active alert terms.
  4. Their person record has the student role.



Alert type of this alert. Will be "Off Plan".


Name of the alert


Internal, administrator only, description of the alert.


Whether the alert is active. An active alert is shown in SS&E and is able to be selected on the Settings screen by users in order to receive notifications of this alert type.

Staff UI Text

The template text that will be used on the news feed, in the daily digest email, and on the student's profile. This text is copied from the default text setup for this alert type.

Staff Roles

The roles that can view and opt in to being notified of the alert. This is done in a user's Settings area.

Notify Students

Whether to notify the student, by email, when the alert is created.


Days Before Term Start To Run - The alert will begin running for a given term this many days before the term starts.

Student Email Subject

The subject text for the email to be sent to the student.

Student Email Body

The body text for the email to be sent to the student. The following variables may be used in the body of the email text:

  • ${advisor.firstName} - Advisor First Name
  • ${advisor.lastName} - Advisor Last Name
  • ${advisor.fullName} - Advisor Full Name
  • ${coach.firstName} - Coach First Name
  • ${coach.lastName} - Coach Last Name
  • ${coach.fullName} - Coach Full Name
  • ${student.firstName} - Student First Name
  • ${student.lastName} - Student Last Name
  • ${student.fullName} - Student Full Name
  • ${courses} - List of courses for which the student is off plan. 

Included Tags

The tags this alert will run for. If this is empty, no filtering on tags will occur.

Excluded Tags

The tags to exclude from this alert.

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