People & Roles

  • Role Administration - Functions

    Overview In SS&E, each person is assigned at least one role, and every role is linked to a specific function. Permissions are assigned at the role level in Role Administration. However, there are also built-in permissions at the function (menu) level that determine what each role is allowed based on a "business function". For more information about creating roles in SS&...

  • Roles and Permissions - Detailed Overview

    Overview - Managing Roles SS&E enables the creation of flexible security roles, representing groups of individuals at your institution designated to carry out specific tasks. For example, advisors, administrators, and disability services all represent roles that can be assigned in SS&E.  NOTE: When creating a new role in SS&E, the role's name can be anything*, however, ...

  • Student-Staff Roles and Permissions

    Overview By nature, Student Success & Engagement includes many different types of users, including users that are assigned both a student role and a staff/faculty role, eg. student workers. User Roles are assigned on the Person data feed via the SIS Import and/or in People Administration. Student workers can be students that are also employed by the institution, or pas...

  • Role Usage

    From the Roles Administration page found here, each role displays the following item with links that represent where in SS&E Administration has the role been assigned, i.e. "permitted". This helps administrators quickly assess how a specific role is currently being used in SS&E. Each link displays "how many times" the role is used, and clicking on the link will list "wh...

  • Removing and deleting an assigned role

    When a security role is manually removed from the UI, that same security role will never be added back again to the same user by the SIS import process. How to manually remove an assigned role in SS&E: Navigate to the People Administration page from Administration - People & Roles - People, found here. Search for the appropriate person by name or ID, then click on thei...

  • Best Practices for Departing Faculty/Staff

    Overview When a Faculty/Staff member departs from an institution, it is important to ensure a smooth transition. Here are some best practices to consider in such situations. By design, users cannot be deleted and fully removed from the SS&E database, as further described here. General Change/remove user information on the day that the staff/faculty changes positions/re...

  • Importing Person Types

    Overview Person Types differentiate between the type of people that can be targeted within SS&E. An SS&E person record can be associated with multiple person types. Valid person types include: Student Prospect Applicant Staff Faculty Person Types will only import successfully into SS&E via the SIS Import process on the Person data feed when: The person type import se...

  • Add a "General Service Account"/New User in SS&E

    Question Sometimes there is a need to create a user in SS&E that does not exist in the SIS source system, and therefore will not import automatically on the Person data feed via the SIS import process. For example, this user could be a service account that multiple employees have access to in order to check the account email messages, or a high school staff member that ...

  • Automated and Manual Duplicate Detection

    Overview How to configure and manage automated duplicate detection (eg. Deduplication) to help prevent duplicate person records from being created in SS&E as they're entered into the system. Note: Automated Duplicate Detection can only be enabled via a feature flag in Institution Administration that is accessible to any Watermark user login.   Automatic Duplicate Detect...

  • Adjunct Faculty Function

    The Adjunct Faculty function is unique in that it automatically creates a dynamic caseload for the adjunct faculty member. By definition, the Adjunct Faculty role/function can only see students that are in course sections they are currently instructing. When assigning the Adjunct Faculty function/role, some of the "special permissions" listed on the user's Perm...

  • Impersonate Other Users

    The impersonation feature of SS&E is an advanced feature that when enabled, allows administrators to login as anyone else in the system. Caution must be used with this feature as any action taken will be performed as the impersonated user. Logs are captured every time an administrator impersonates another user. To impersonate a user, login as an administrator, navigate ...

  • How to Remove a Birthdate from displaying in SS&E

    Overview When visible, a birthdate displays on the Person record "Profile" tab. The Person Type and logged-in user roles assigned in People Administration determine if and how a birthdate may be removed from displaying in SS&E. To manage the visibility of birthdates in student and student-staff records, you can adjust the logged-in user’s role settings for profile views...

  • How to Search and Override for Duplicate Person records

    Overview Duplicate person records represent multiple person records that are assigned the same username and/or primary (edu) email address. Sometimes a user has duplicate records in SS&E causing the user to not be able to log in (since the system does not know who is trying to log in) or LMS data to sync with the "wrong" record and not display properly on the UI. Below ...

  • Person Overrides

    Overview The "Override" menu is accessed from a person record and allows an SS&E administrator to quickly override certain data values that are associated with the user in SS&E. Optional override values are: primary email address username enabled secondary email address LMS Id As soon as an Override value is saved to a person record, this will override the value imp...

  • How to View Students from the Course Roster

    Reported Issue: Instructors are no longer able to view student information by clicking on a student from the course roster. After the Limited Profile View release on 2/25/22, some instructors can no longer access some/all of their student records. Why Is This Happening? What Changed? The "Limited Profile View" feature removed the ability to link to a student that is not...

  • Inactive Users/Archiving a Person Record

    Overview By design, users cannot be deleted and fully removed from the database. In addition, SS&E does not support data deletion on the Person data feed via SIS Data Deletion Integration or the SIS Integration Administrative/People Administration UI. To view which data feeds support data deletion, click here. To learn more about SIS Data Deletion Integration, click he...

  • Staff Role Configuration

    The Role Configuration screen is used to specify what permissions each type of staff member is granted. There are different areas that each list multiple permissions available for each role.  The following are a few examples of available permissions from different areas that are set by role: General Permissions Can View Coach If enabled, users with this role can see the...

  • Instructor Settings to see Student information

    Overview In some institutions, instructors do not have a "subscription" with students who are currently enrolled in courses they instruct.  When that is the case, the instructor will not be able to view students listed on their course rosters from the Students Tab unless they have permissions assigned to their user role(s) limited profile view or get added to a "relatio...

  • Limited Profile View and Full Profile View Settings

    Overview This feature provides the ability to grant specific "limited view" permissions to staff users while viewing students who are outside of their caseload. In order to accommodate the limited view: "Search outside of Caseload" and "Staff View Settings" were removed from Role Administration. "Full Profile View" and "Limited Profile View" permission settings were ad...

  • Person Types Administration

    Overview UI Changes As soon Person Types are enabled, if any Department App is assigned multiple person types then the UI will change for all users. To avoid confusion, we recommend communicating with staff and faculty before enabling this feature! In addition, before Person Types is enabled, all Person records must import from the SIS with at least one person type....

  • People Administration - Bulk Actions

    Overview Many times, there is a need to apply a bulk action to a targeted group of people.  From People Administration, administrators can run bulk actions to Add or Remove any of the following items: Hold  Person Type Role Tag  Here are a few People Administration Bulk Action examples: Assign a tag to a group of people identified by a specific role Remove a role f...

  • Institution Staff Changes/Staff Removal

    Overview Access to SS&E is controlled by the authentication process existing at the institution. Therefore, once an employee is prevented from accessing the institutional systems, this will also apply to SS&E. In some situations, a person who is allowed access to other institutional systems needs to be deactivated in SS&E. What changes after deactivating a person's reco...

  • How to update a Profile Photo(s) in SS&E

    Overview Administrators may upload profile photos into SS&E via two ways: Bulk using a zip file Individually from People Administration. These photos display alongside student and staff information throughout the application. By default, the most recent action is what applies to the profile photo displayed in SS&E. A user's profile photo in a zip file will replace th...