Role Administration - Functions


In SS&E, each person is assigned at least one role, and every role is linked to a specific function.

Permissions are assigned at the role level in Role Administration. However, there are also built-in permissions at the function (menu) level that determine what each role is allowed based on a "business function".

For more information about creating roles in SS&E click here.

SS&E Functions

Functions are associated with user roles of the same name imported on the Person data feed via the SIS Import or roles manually created and assigned in SS&E.

To determine which function should be used when creating a new role, it is easiest to work through selecting a function by process of elimination, as many functions have limited permissions that restrict access to different areas of SS&E.

NOTE: If you are unsure which function to assign to a new role, we recommend assigning the Advisor function.

  • Adjunct Faculty - Limited Permissions, very restrictive, creates a dynamic caseload with special permissions. While other roles/functions are additive by nature, the Adjunct Faculty role/function may remove assigned permissions. For more detailed information, click here
  • Administrator - Allows access to the SS&E Administration section of SS&E, as seen here
  • Advisor - Must be assigned in order to display on the Student Success Team (first success team position)
  • Analyst - Limited Permissions, a limited role, does not allow a "caseload"
  • Coach - Must be assigned in order to display on the Student Success Team (second success team position)
  • External API - One of two non-student/non-staff functions
  • Faculty - Allows access to the Staff "Courses" tab
  • Faculty Advisor - Allows access to the Staff "Courses" tab. This is similar to Advisor, but is more limited
  • High School Staff - A limited role for staff working with early college high school students
  • LMS Administrator - Limited Permissions to LMS Integration Administration areas of SS&E Admin without having the full Administrator role
  • Manager - Limited Permissions, allows access to Academic Planning Administration
  • New Registrant - One of two non-student/non-staff functions, prohibits access to SS&E. Users that are only assigned a role associated with the New Registrant function cannot log in to SS&E and cannot be impersonated. New Registrant is automatically assigned by SS&E if a student selects "New Student" on the Next kiosk login screen. Once in the system, the student's role can be changed in People Administration
  • Student - Students should only be assigned one Security Role associated with the student function on their Person record details in order to have a "Student View"

Staff Functions

When setting up Roles in SS&E - Administration - People & Roles, there are many security settings that only apply permissions to "Staff" accounts, eg. staff functions only and do not apply to a student view, e.g. student function role.

In order to be considered an SS&E "staff" user and have access to a "staff view" when logged into SS&E, at least one of the user assigned role(s) must be associated with any of the staff functions listed below.

When at least one staff function role is assigned to a person record in SS&E, all staff-related security settings selected in Role Administration will automatically apply to the user, no matter which role these are assigned from.

The following SS&E "Functions" are all considered "Staff" Functions, therefore one of the staff functions should be selected when creating a staff role.

  • Adjunct Faculty
  • Administrator
  • Advisor
  • Analyst
  • Coach
  • Faculty
  • Faculty Advisor
  • High School Staff
  • LMS Administrator
  • Manager

Built-In Staff Function Permissions

When a logged-in user is assigned a security role based on a staff function, in addition to "staff-related" security settings selected in Role Administration, each staff function also has unique behaviors (mainly menu permissions) that are automatically applied to all users that are assigned a role associated with the specific staff function.

  • Each function has some built-in permissions that are applied by the SS&E product code, yet there is no easy way to find all the built-in permissions associated with each function.
  • When creating a new role, please note what permissions will apply automatically via the SS&E code depending on the role function, in addition to all role-based security selections made in Role Administration.

Note: When a user has multiple roles, permissions are applied from all roles, and there is no easy way to determine which permission is assigned by which role. In order to figure out what happens when the user is assigned each specific role, you can remove roles and then add them back while checking what happens on the UI when each new role is added to the user's security roles.

Adjunct Faculty

The Adjunct Faculty function is unique in that it automatically creates a dynamic caseload for the adjunct faculty member. Users with an Adjunct Faculty function role will only be able to view students that are enrolled in course sections they are currently instructing. In addition, the Adjunct Faculty function may also remove some permissions that appear as if they should be granted by the presence of other assigned user roles*. More information about the Adjunct Faculty function/role can be found here.

*As the Adjunct Faculty function is designed with many pre-defined limitations, it should not be used unless specifically instructed to do so.


The Administrator function grants access to ALL Administration menu configurations and settings accessed from the SS&E Admin page. It is recommended to limit the Administrator function to a small number of users (usually five or less).

  • SS&E Administrators by default have access to everything available on the Admin page.
  • In addition, SS&E role(s) set up with the Administrator function are usually granted access to almost everything on the UI so that Administrator users can view and help solve issues reported in any of the SS&E Advise/Instruct/Recruit spaces.
  • If Administrators should have access to other areas of SS&E while wearing another "hat" such as an Advisor or an Instructor, additional security roles may be added to ensure that proper access is permitted.
  • If a user only has access to a few Admin menu items, this indicates that they are not assigned the Administrator role, and rather are granted Admin permissions for select menu items based on one of their user assigned roles. For example, the LMS Administrator role. 
  • For example, a single SS&E user may be assigned multiple roles that include Administrator, Coach, and Advisor if that is what's appropriate for the user's job responsibilities.


The Advisor function must be associated with one of the staff member's User Security Roles so that they can be assigned to a Student's Success Team as a Primary Advisor and display in the "Advisor" dropdown.

The Primary Advisor may be labeled differently if the "Term to Represent Advisor" is changed in Institution Configuration. However, it does not matter what label displays on the Student Success Team, only that the Advisor function must be associated with an assigned user role so that the user can be assigned by any method (manual via the UI with Administrator privilege/SIS Import via the Person data feed) to the "first position" on a student's success team.


A role associated with the Analyst function will never be allowed to have a caseload. As this function is very limited, it should not be used unless instructed so.


The Coach function must be associated with one of the staff member's User Security Roles so that they can be assigned to a Student's Success Team as a Primary Coach and display in the "Coach" dropdown.

The Primary Coach may be labeled differently if the "Term to Represent Coach" is changed in Institution Configuration. However, even when Institution Configuration renames the Success Team Primary Coach to display with a different title that "uses" a different function/role such as Advisor/Faculty Advisor /Faculty etc., the user must also be assigned a User Security Role that is associated with a "Coach" function on their Person Details so that they may be assigned by any method (manually assigned via the UI with Administrator privileges/Program Coach Mapping/Advisor Coach Mapping/SIS Import) to the "second position" on a student's Success Team.


Faculty Advisor

User's assigned a role that is associated with the Faculty Advisor function are also included in the "Advisor" dropdown and can be assigned as a Primary Advisor to the "first position" on a student's success team.

High School Staff

A limited role intended for staff members working with early college high school students. 

LMS Administrator

User's that are only assigned a role associated with the LMS Administrator function will only have access to Course Sections Administration and LMS Integration Administration.


The Manager function will grant access to SS&E and Academic Planning Administration in Administration.

Student Functions


In order to be considered an SS&E "student" user that only sees a "Student View" when using SS&E products, the user must have only one assigned role that is associated with the "Student" function.

Since there is only one SS&E "Function" that is considered a "Student" Function, this is the only function that should be assigned to a student role assigned to a student user.

NOTE: Student employees or student-staff workers that are assigned both a student function role and a staff function role on their User Security Roles in Person Administration will only have a Staff View when accessing SS&E . For more information about student-staff users, see here.


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