When visible, a birthdate displays on the Person record "Profile" tab. The Person Type and logged-in user roles assigned in People Administration determine if and how a birthdate may be removed from displaying in SS&E.
To manage the visibility of birthdates in student and student-staff records, you can adjust the logged-in user’s role settings for profile views:
For Student/Student-Staff Records:
Remove the birthdate from the SS&E display by modifying the user role settings for either full profile view or limited profile view permissions in the "Profile Details" tab. -
For Non-Student Records:
To ensure the birthdate is not displayed, you have two options:- Data Extract Adjustment: Remove the birthdate from the SIS Person data feed by importing a null or blank value for non-students.
Role Configuration: Hide the Profile tab by enabling person types and configuring the non-student person type settings, or adjust the logged-in user’s role settings for limited/full profile view in the Profile Details.
For example:
- Departmental App settings determine which person types appear within a specific department app. By default, when Departmental Apps is disabled on the Features tab in Institution Administration, only the Advise app is available at the institution.
Role settings determine which department apps are available to the logged in user and if they can see the birthdate field when looking at records that are on/off caseload.
- If the logged in user in not allowed to see birthdate on the Profile Tab Details in the full profile view or the limited profile view, birthdate will be hidden on all records.
- If birthdate is only hidden, eg. set to No, on the Profile Tab Details in the "Limited Profile View", then the birthdate will only display on records that are On Caseload and will NOT display on any record that is "Off Caseload".
- If Person Types are used, Person Type Administration will determine if the Profile tab is available when viewing a specific person type.
- If the Profile tab is set to 'No' in Person Types Administration, it will not matter what the roles settings are set to, since the entire Profile tab will be hidden when viewing a user of the specific person type.
- When trying to view a user that is associated with multiple person types, the system will ask which Person Type you wish to view. Depending on the selection, the system will only display what is configured in Person Types Administration.
- SS&E may display different data for the same record within the same department app when looking at the user record under different person types IF person type administration is set to show different tabs/different data when viewing different person type records.
For more information about person roles, click here.
Student/Student-Staff Person Record
In order to remove the birthdate from displaying on a student/student-staff Profile tab, uncheck the logged-in user permission to access "birthdate" from their user role(s) Profile Details settings.
- To find which role(s) are assigned to the logged-in user, check their User Detail - Security Roles listed on their Person Administration record, found here.
Note: Removing "birthdate" related permissions from "Profile (Tab) Details" will remove the birthdate from the logged-in users full profile view/limited profile view.
- Unchecking "Can See Birthdate" on the Full Profile View - Profile Details will remove the birthdate from displaying on student/student-staff records that are included in the logged-in user's caseload, i.e. remove birthdate from the profile tab when viewing records that are "on-caseload".
- Unchecking "Show Birthdate" on the Limited Profile View - Profile Details will remove the birthdate from displaying on student/student-staff records that are NOT included in the logged-in user's caseload, i.e. remove birthdate from the profile tab when viewing records that are "off-caseload".
For instructions on setting full profile view/limited profile view "Profile Details" permissions, click here.
Non-Student Person Record
When the person record being viewed does NOT have a Student function/role included in their Security Roles listed in their User Details, it means that they are a non-student.
When viewing a "non-student" person record from the UI, either through the Students tab - "Everyone" filter or "Global Search", a non-student record has different tabs than what displays for a student/staff-student.
In order to remove a birthdate from displaying on a non-student person record:
- All non-student person records can import from the SIS with a null/blank value on the Person data feed which will overwrite and remove the birthdate from displaying on the UI.
- The Limited Profile View - Profile Details settings can be set to remove birthdate from displaying on records that are "off caseload". This will remove birthdate for student or staff that are "off caseload".
- Person Types settings, when enabled, can remove the Profile tab from displaying on certain person types.
In most cases, removing a birthdate from displaying on non-student users is done by adding logic to the Person data feed data extract definitions.
The Informer/SQL queries can check each user's role and/or person type in order to determine which person records should/should not import a birthdate to display within SS&E.
For information about troubleshooting the SIS Data Integration, click here.
To view the Person data feed SIS Import Definitions, click here and scroll to the Person data feed.
If further assistance is needed with adjusting the data extract definitions, please open a support ticket. As this is out of scope for Base Support, changing the data extract definitions requires either a support plan or engagement with the Professional Services team.