Many times, there is a need to apply a bulk action to a targeted group of people. From People Administration, administrators can run bulk actions to Add or Remove any of the following items:
- Hold Remove a hold from a group of select people
- Person Type Assign a person type to a group of people identified by a specific role
- Role Remove a role from a group of people identified by a specific tag or role
- Tag Assign a tag to a group of people identified by a specific role
Step 1 - Select a Group of People
To define a group of people:
- Open the People Administration page found here.
- Use the available filter(s) to find the group of users that you wish to apply a bulk action to.
- Use the check box column on the left to select "all" users or multi-select specific users from the filter results.
To filter on a group of people:
- If the users are associated with a specific role, search by role from the "Roles" dropdown, then check the top header box to select all people on display.
- If the users are associated with a specific tag, search by tag from the "Tags" dropdown, then check the top header box to select all people on display.
- If the users are associated with a specific hold, search by hold from the "Holds" dropdown, then check the top header box to select all people on display.
- If the users are deactivated/disabled, filter on "Inactive" then check the top header box to select all people on display.
Step 2 - Choose the Bulk Action
- After defining the people you wish to target, from the People Administration menu bar, select the appropriate bulk-action type. Available bulk actions are:
- To Excel - Send the selected people to an Excel report. Results will display as: "Id","First Name","Last Name","Email","Active","Modified By","Modified Date"
- Deactivate - Selecting "deactivate" will set all users to Active "No". There is no additional prompt, if done by mistake, this action can be reversed by "activating" the same group of users.
- Activate - Selecting "activate" will set all users to Active "Yes". There is no additional prompt, if done by mistake, this action can be reversed by "deactivating" the same group of users.
Add - Adds a Hold/Person Type/Role/Tag attribute to all selected users. A prompt will display to choose the specific hold/role/tag.
- The tag/hold/role must exist in SS&E before it is selected here.
- By design, the system can only "apply" one bulk action item at a time.
Remove - Removes a Hold/Person Type/Role/Tag attribute from all selected users. A prompt will display to choose the specific hold/role/tag.
- The tag/hold/role must exist in SS&E before it is selected here.
- By design, the system will only "remove" one bulk action item at a time.
- After the action type is selected, a prompt will display allowing you to verify the exact hold/role/tag that is being applied/removed from the selected user(s).
Removing a User
Deleting a person record is not allowed from the UI or via the SIS. The available options are to set a user to Inactive in People Administration or engage with the Professional Services team to remove the person record details from the database. For more information about Inactive Users, click here.