Within the Response Rate Tracker reporting feature, you can track the real-time response rates for all projects and view the response rates for specific hierarchy levels and courses within your course evaluation projects. You also have the option to download the Respondent and Non-Respondent files that display which respondents have and have not, submitted surveys for the courses within the project.
Response rate is the percentage of total number of submitted surveys against the total number of enrollments. For example, if a course has 32 students/respondents enrolled and 29 surveys are submitted for the course, the response rate calculation is 29 divided by 32 for a total of .90625 or 91% response rate after rounding up.
Access Response Rate Tracker
Navigate to Results Response Rate Tracker.
The most recent project response rates can also be accessed from the Response Rate Tracker Widget on the Course Evaluations & Surveys Dashboard
Note: The Summary tab within your course or general survey evaluation project will also include a overall Response Rate.
Within Response Rate Tracker you can search for projects based on the following project properties:
Name (contains search)
Status (In Progress, Ended)
Type (Course Evaluation, General Survey, General Survey (Non-Public), General Survey (Public)
Folder (project folders)
Where (Creation Date, Start Date, End Date)
Between (date)
And (date)
When viewing a list of projects within Response Rate Tracker, you can view:
The project Start date.
The project End date.
The overall survey Enrollments.
Number of those enrollments who Responded (this includes opted-out responses).
The overall Response Rate: This includes any opted-out responses as respondents.
If you enabled the Opt-Out feature for a project, you can also see how many respondents Opted-Out of surveys and the Percentage of overall Enrollments that Opted Out.
You can then see the total of actual respondents and the response rate, without the opted-out responses counting as respondents: Responded With Opted-Out Removed and the Response Rate with Opted-Out Removed.
You can export the information displayed in the Response Rate Tracker to an Excel file by selecting the Export button
Hierarchy Level
Click on the Project Name link to drive down to the response rates at all hierarchy levels within the project. Data aligning to child nodes in your hierarchy is aggregated to parent nodes.
Course Response Rates
Click on the Hierarchy Level link to view the course-level response rates. Included at the course-level is Instructor Name and Course information.
Respondent/Non-Respondent Files
By clicking the View icon in the far right column, you can download the Respondent and Non-Respondent files to an Excel spreadsheet. At the project and hierarchy level, you can also download an Excel spreadsheet with the individual course-level response rates.
Respondent/Non-Respondent files will not be available to download if there are less than two (2) respondents for a course. This is designed to protect the anonymity of respondents in the system.
By default, you must have at least two (2) respondents to display the Respondent/Non-Respondent files for either Administrators or Instructors. Selecting 1 as the threshold, will override the default setting.
The CES Administrator can configure the account-level settings for the response rate tracker feature, including controlling whether administrators and/or instructors have access to the Response Rate Tracker feature and control whether these roles can access the Respondent/Non-Respondent files for the areas they oversee, or courses they teach.
The CES Administrator can also determine which fields to display on the Response Rate Tracker page, whether to only include courses based on course-level dates, and whether to include the response rate information for the full path for individual hierarchy levels based on if the user is a CES Administrator or Administrator.