Merge Multiple Reports into one report for selected course sections: Individual course sections reports will be compiled into a single PDF report. Data is not aggregated.
Download Multiple Reports/Batch as ZIP File for selected course sections: Course section reports will be downloaded as individual PDF files into a ZIP file. Data is not aggregated.
Aggregate Results for selected course sections into one report: Results for all selected course sections will be aggregated into one single PDF report.
Raw Data: Course section reports will be downloaded as individual Excel files into a singe ZIP file. Data is not aggregated.
Instructor Results
Within Instructor Results, you can search for and download the following types of reports across multiple projects:
Individual Course Section Reports
Summary Aggregated Reports by hierarchy level.
Individual Course Section Reports.
Batch Reports:
Merge Multiple Reports into one report for selected course sections: Individual course sections reports will be compiled into a single PDF report. Data is not aggregated.
Download Multiple Reports/Batch as ZIP File for selected course sections: Course section reports will be downloaded as individual PDF files into a ZIP file. Data is not aggregated.
Comparison Report with selected course sections in one report and organized by survey questions - Comparison of each survey question from course to course in PDF format. Data is not aggregated.
Within Instructor Means Reporting, you can generate the following types of reports across multiple projects:
Individual Course Section Reports
Summary Aggregated Reports by hierarchy level.
Individual Course Section Reports.
Batch Reports:
Aggregated Mean Score for Course, Instructor or Instructor by Project for Select Questions across multiple projects. Note: Selected questions must share the same weighted scale.
Aggregated Mean Score for Select Questions across multiple projects, separated by question. Note: Selected questions must share the same weighted scale.
Both Report Builder and Report Builder 2.0 are available in customer accounts created prior to November 4, 2018, while only Report Builder 2.0 is available in customer accounts created on/after November 4, 2018.
Report Builder
Within Report Builder, you can generate the following types of reports across multiple projects:
Individual Course Section Reports
Summary Aggregated Reports by hierarchy level.
Individual Course Section Reports.
Batch Reports:
Longitudinal Reports for selected Projects, Hierarchy Levels, Instructors and/or Courses.
Reports based off select Question Criteria (for example, you can view the survey results for all students who answered yes to a specific question)
Reports that compare Courses, Departments and Instructor results.
Reports that only display select Questions from the survey(s).
Report Builder 2.0
Within Report Builder 2.0, you can generate the following types of reports across multiple projects:
Area Level Reports
Project Reports
Course Section Reports
Instructor Reports
Teaching Assistants Reports
Aggregated Results
Pull a mean score across multiple levels in your hierarchy, Projects, course sections, or survey questions, as well as overall percent and frequencies. Note: this feature requires questions to have a common scale.
Reports based off select Question Criteria (for example, you can view the survey results for all students who answered "yes" to a specific question).
Reports that compare Courses, Departments and Instructor results.
Reports that only display select Questions from a survey(s).
Reports that only show results for specific course or user metadata.
Mean Score
The Mean is the average score/weight of responses submitted.
The following response options and numeric weighting is assigned to a question: (4) Strongly Agree (3) Agree (2) Disagree (1) Strongly Disagree (0) N/A
Results Example:
7 students selected Strongly Agree as a response, which has a weight of 4.
3 students submitted Agree as a response, which has a weight of 3.
2 students selected Disagree as a response, which has a weight of 2.
2 students selected N/A as a response, which has a weight of 0.
A total of 12 (7 + 3 + 2) students submitted a response to the question. Students who responded with N/A with a zero weight are not included in the mean score.
The mean score is calculated by the total score/weight for all responses divided by the number of respondents.
In this example: ((7x4)+(3x3)+(2x2)) / 12
7 x 4 = 28; 3 x 3 = 9; 2 x 2 = 4
28 + 9 + 4 = 41
41 / 12 = 3.42 mean score
Median Score
The Median is the middle value if all responses are lined up in order in a row.
Using the above example, all response scores/weights are lined up in a row, with 4 being the median: 4,4,4,4,4,4,3,3,2
If there is an odd number of response scores/weights submitted, the median is the mean of the middle two numbers (e.g. 4,4,4,4,3,3,2,2 = 3.5 median)
Standard Deviation
Standard Deviation is abbreviated as STD in reporting.
The Standard Deviation is a measure of the amount of variation or dispersion of a set of values. A low standard deviation indicates that the weight values tend to be close to the mean, while a high standard deviation indicates that the weight values are spread out over a wider range.