Message Reporting
Messages may be reported on both from SS&E Administration -> Messaging Administration on the Message Report and from the SS&E Report Builder using the Messages report source.
Messaging Administration
Click here to view the Message Report in SS&E Administration.
To fix the above URL, replace yourInstitution with your institution name displayed in a working URL...
Sending a Message to a Student/Group of Students
Student Success & Engagement’s most used feature is integrated messaging support.
Remain truly engaged with your caseload of students through sending and archiving messages with ease.
If an email originates from SS&E with further messaging happening outside of the platform, the communication will still be captured and archived within SS&E.
Student Record - Me...
Creating a Message Template
Message Template allow users to create templates that can be selected when creating a new message so that you don't have to re-create the same message over and over.
How to create a Message Template
Users can create a new message template from within SS&E Messages (accessed by clicking on the envelope icon in the top right), by selecting "+ New" either from the...
Using SS&E Custom Fields in Message Templates
The Field Values within Messages of the Student Success & Engagement Platform allows faculty and staff to customize message templates. This allows students to feel as if they received a message directed to them specifically.
There are two different areas where specific fields can be used the customize messages. First, within the subject of the email. By clicking on ...
SS&E SMS Opt-Out/Opt-In Handling
Student Success & Engagement uses a third-party service to handle SMS message functionality. This third-party service implements opt-out (SMS STOP filtering) standards in accordance with industry standards.
By design, when text messaging is enabled, the initial text message sent to each student will include opt out messaging. For this reason, it is important to prepare...
Text Messaging FAQ
I tried to send a text message, but it ended up being delivered as an email - why?
The best way to answer this question is to view the message you sent and hover over the envelope icon on the right side of the message itself. This will give some indication of what occurred. These are the most common reasons for this occurring:
This recipient has opted to not receive SM...
SS&E Text Messaging Tips & Best Practices
This article is intended to provide helpful tips for utilizing the SS&E Text Messaging feature.
In addition to this information, you can find further information in the Watermark Help Center SS&E Support Articles. These articles will provide more of an in-depth overview and answer frequently asked questions.
Text Messaging Settings
Two-Way text messaging is a...
Email Message Attachments
When sending a message from within SS&E Messaging, outbound email message attachments can optionally be sent as a link, this is unchanged behavior, or as a file included directly on the outbound message.
In addition, inbound email messages can optionally include attachment file(s) that can be viewed and downloaded within SS&E.
Attachments can be added to an em...
HTML/Gibberish in email responses
Occasionally you may receive a message from Student Success & Engagement that contains a response, but also contains HTML code/other content displayed at the end of the message.
The reason for this is usually that the sender of the email (or rarely, their email client) removed the "To respond, simply reply to this email adding your message above this line." line inclu...
Tips for Initiating Text Messaging in SS&E
Upon the configuration of text messaging within the Messaging Administrative area of Student Success & Engagement, there are a few additional tips that will help ensure successful SMS Messaging communication with students.
System Text Only Number Assignment
The phone numbers used for sending text messages from within SS&E are assigned to staff/faculty members u...
Email Replies Display in HTML Code
Most Email Messages are sent with multiple versions that include both a plain text version and an HTML version.
For security reasons, Student Success & Engagement only reads the plain text version, and does not render the HTML version.
If an email is not formatted properly, and/or the plain text version is omitted, then SS&E will only present the HTML code when d...
SS&E "System Name" Email Address/No-Reply Email Messages
The Student Success & Engagement System Name Email Sender / No-Reply Email Address allows institutions to send messages from a default/anonymous email account that is not attached to an actual person.
Sending an email message from the System Name / No-Reply Email Address from within SS&E is intended to be used as a "notification" and should not be used for tw...
Message Type Filter
When selecting a student and viewing their Student Profile - Messages tab, there is an option to filter messages by message type.
Selecting a message type allows staff or faculty users the option to view only specific message type(s) on that are associated with student record.
Currently, the following message types are available to multi-select:
SMS - display only te...
Message Logging
Student Success & Engagement can display Message Logging on the student record in the following scenarios:
Messages created in SS&E, sent from staff to student.
Messages created in SS&E, sent from student to staff.
For institution's using Gmail as their institutional email client, external messages created in Gmail sent from staff to anyone (student(s)/staff/s...
Why are some messages not showing up in the SS&E Inbox?
A user reported that there are several messages in their email inbox that are missing from the system messages inbox (Watermark SS&E Inbox accessed by the top right envelope icon).
The most common reason for this is that the missing messages are sent from the Aviso System user account which do not display within SS&E Messages by design.
For more in...
Happy Birthday Message Automation
Each staff member can set up an "Automated birthday greeting to my advisee" to send birthday greetings at 8:53am to students that are part of their caseload.
The following steps describe how to create an automated birthday message:
Select the Messages page by clicking on the letter icon that displays on the primary navigation bar in the top right of your screen.
In th...
How to Send a Scheduled Message
To create a new scheduled message, you can click on the messaging (envelope) icon in the top right corner and then select "Scheduled Messages".When creating a new scheduled message, you have the option to schedule a date/time and if the message is an email or a text message, one-time or recurring.
You can also select the message "Sender" as yourself (the logged-in user ...
Send Message Using Templates
By clicking on messages, faculty and staff can manage sent and received emails within the Student Success & Engagement Platform.
Faculty and staff have the ability to create message templates to save time when sending mass emails to groups of students. If a particular message needs to be sent to a large group or individual students multiple times throughout a year, te...