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Report Builder 2.0

  • This feature allows CES Administrators and Administrators to create custom reports across multiple projects based on hierarchy level (area), project criteria, course criteria, instructor, teaching assistant, and/or question criteria.
  • This feature also allows Instructors and Teaching Assistants to create custom reports across multiple projects based on course enrollment and/or question criteria.
  • Reports created in Report Builder 2.0 are saved within the user's Report Builder 2.0 dashboard and can be copied, edited, exported, and/or shared.
  • All of the reporting functionality in Report Builder 2.0 can be used for both Course Evaluation Projects and General Survey Projects.



Both Report Builder and Report Builder 2.0 are available in customer accounts created prior to November 4, 2018, while only Report Builder 2.0 is available in customer accounts created on/after November 4, 2018.

If your account has both Report Builder and Report Builder 2.0, Report Builder 2.0 will be disabled for all roles by default; then, the CES Administrator can control exactly when their institution moves to Report Builder 2.0, and to which end-user role(s).

Report Builder 2.0 can be used for any project, new and old, however, we recommend enabling Report Builder 2.0 and disabling Report Builder when timing makes sense for your institution.

Report Builder 2.0 requires Instructor enrollments in courses.
If courses do not have an Instructor enrolled then Report Builder 2.0 will return a error of "no data found."  To bypass this requirement, you can create a dummy instructor on the Users tab of the project and enroll that dummy instructor in the courses as an Instructor.  This requirement does not apply to the other reporting features.

Report Builder 2.0

  1. Click on the Results tab.
  2. Select Report Builder 2.0. After clicking on Report Builder 2.0, you will be dropped off on the My Reports dashboard, your central location for all reports created from Report Builder 2.0.
    1. Here you can view your most recent reports, saved reports and shared reports. Each category will list the most recent five report.
    2. Click View All to view the full list for each category.

To Create a New Report

  1. Select the tab for your desired report type. These report types help the user navigate the data from one of five available perspectives:
    1. Areas report
    2. Projects report
    3. Courses report
    4. Instructors report
    5. Teaching Assistants report
  2. Search for and/or select your desired criteria > Apply.
    1. Select multiple criteria for each, or you can apply your selections, then click the plus icon to select and apply additional. To remove criteria, expand the applied selection(s) and deselect.
  3. Click Run after your selections have been applied to generate your report.mceclip1.png

  4. Depending on the size of the data in the report you're generating, you may get a message the report is being generated and you'll be notified when it is complete.  When complete, an email will be sent to the email address associated with your login.  You can also refresh the Report Builder 2 screen until the report is showing as completed.  Or you can view the Notifications by clicking on the Bell in the upper right corner of Course Evaluations & Surveys to see that the report has generated.  


Reporting Types

  1. Areas: With this report type users can compare data from one area or between multiple areas of their account hierarchy. Area data can be compared longitudinally over time, across projects, and across Areas. Data can be aggregated to summarize the area or dis-aggregated to show course or instructor-level detail within the area.

    Note: When selecting an area, all child nodes under a parent are also included in the report.

  2. Projects: With this report type users can compare data from one project or between multiple projects. Data can be aggregated to summarize the project overall or dis-aggregated to show course or instructor-level detail within the project.

  3. Courses: With this report type users can compare data from one course or from multiple courses. Course data can be compared longitudinally over time, across projects, or from within the same project. Data can be aggregated to summarize the project overall or dis-aggregated to show course section or instructor-level detail within the project.

  4. Instructors: With this report type users can compare Instructor data from the same instructor or from multiple instructors. Instructor data can be compared longitudinally over time, across projects, or from within the same project. Data can be aggregated to summarize the project overall or dis-aggregated to show course section or instructor-level detail within the project.

  5. Teaching Assistants: This report type is the same as Instructors, but is segmented to just Teaching Assistant data.

Reporting Types Availabilty

  1. CES Administrators and Administrators can access all five reporting types and are limited to data under their level(s) of the account hierarchy.
  2. Instructors and Teaching Assistants can navigate their own results for courses they are enrolled in by Projects and Courses.

Edit, Save, Export Report

After the report has been generated select:
  1. Filters: To edit the report criteria.
  2. Save: To save the report to your Report Builder 2.0 dashboard.
  3. Delete: To delete the report.
  4. Copy: To make a copy of the report.
  5. Excel: To export a raw data report to Excel that correlates with the filters applied.
  6. PDF: To export results to PDF format that correlates with the filters and view applied.

Report Views

For each of the report types you can choose to view the data interactively using one of five different report views. All views are available to all user roles. Below are examples of the same data for the same question in the five different views.

Note: The selected hierarchy level and Project (s) are displayed on the left of each question, and a legend for each view is displayed to the right of each question:
  1. Chart

  2. Mean

  3. Percent

  4. Box Plot

  5. All

Report Groupings

  1. This feature allows the user to aggregate and dis-aggregate data based on logical groupings within the five different report types.

Filter Results by Responses to Survey Questions

  1. Using this feature the user can slice and dice the data based on specific responses to one survey question or multiple survey questions. This allows the user to easily view the responses for just a desired segment.

Question Results & Aggregated Results

  1. In addition to individual question-level metrics, in Report Builder 2.0 you can easily view data aggregated across multiple questions. Aggregated Results allows you to see a mean score across multiple survey questions, as well as overall percent and frequencies.

    Note: This feature requires questions to have a common scale.

Add Benchmarks to Reports

  1. This feature offers the ability to quickly add up to three selected levels of aggregated data in order to benchmark against. For instance, a user can view course-level data and easily compare that to aggregated data from the department, school, and institutional levels.

Filter Results by Student or Respondent, Course, and Instructor Metadata

  1. The ability to filter results by manually-added Metadata can be enabled or disabled by navigating to Account > Results Settings > Report Builder (tab)


    If this feature is enabled, a Metadata Filters section will appear in Report Builder 2.0


    If this feature is not enabled, the Metadata Filters section will not appear in Report Builder 2.0


    Uploading metadata to courses, students/respondents, or instructors allows you to view survey results based on your segmented metadata. You can import external data related to these areas into Course Evaluations & Surveys, then easily segment your data to view the survey results for just the criteria selected related to students/respondents, courses, and/or instructors. External metadata can be brought into Course Evaluations & Surveys via API, FTP to Project, and direct upload options.  For more information on how to upload and use metadata in our system please review the Course and User Metadata Functionality article.

Report Sharing

  1. Once you have generated your report you can share it with other users. You can share your reports within Course Evaluations & Surveys with other users, email a secure link to the report for people who do not have an Course Evaluations & Surveys account, or you can generate a link to paste on a web page if you want to share a report publicly.
  2. A copy of the shared report will be saved in the owner's Saved Reports list. This allows the owner to make changes to specific reports, without having to share a new or updated version. Once updates are made to a shared report, previous recipients will also see those updates.

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