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Student Reporting and Public Reporting Module


This feature is not enabled by default on Course Evaluations & Surveys Accounts. Please contact our Support Team by clicking Submit A Request to have this feature enabled.

The Course Evaluations & Surveys  allows you to share specific results from your course evaluation projects with students, or publicly to anyone. The difference between student reporting and public reporting is simply who can access this reporting, and how. In student reporting, only students can access this feature from within their Course Evaluations & Surveys account (or if you are a Blackboard Learn customer, from our student reporting building block module). Public reporting is the same reporting functionality, but one URL is provided, which you display wherever you like (e.g., within your LMS, Portal, in e-mails, etc) and anyone who clicks on the URL will be able to view the reporting. Moreover, you control which results are accessible for selected projects and selected survey questions, and when you want to allow access.


NOTE: The Student Reporting & Public Reporting Module refreshes every four hours so changes made will not immediately be reflected in the module.  The changes will be reflected at the next four hour refresh.

Operational Steps

Login as the CES Administrator to manage the Account-Level Access Settings and navigate to Account Reporting Student Reporting Setup.


  1. Display Name: Enter a Display Name that Instructors and Administrators will see under the Results menu and students will see on their Course Evaluations & Surveys Dashboard, to access reporting.
  2. Instructions (Optional): Add optional instructional text to appear on the Student Reporting page.
Example of student view with above Display Name and Instructions:


  1. No Access: No users can access Student/Public Reporting.
  2. Access to All Students: Any student who is created within Course Evaluations & Surveys can access Student Reporting.
  3. Access to results only if submitted a survey in the past: If using only Student Reporting, this allows you to restrict access to students who submitted at least one survey in the past.
  4. Access to results only if submitted a survey in the past with specific time period selection: If using Student Reporting, this allows you to restrict access to students who submitted a survey within a certain number of weeks, months, or years.
  5. Display the Student Reporting to the following User Roles: Select these options to make Student Reporting available to Instructors and/or Administrators. Users are authenticated by username if integrated with an LMS.
  6. Public Access URL: Provide this URL for public access to reporting. Users are not authenticated and do not need an Course Evaluations & Surveys account to use this URL.
  7. Show Student Reporting in Student View Navigation: Allows a tab to display in the Course Evaluations & Surveys Student Dashboard to access reporting.
  8. Ignore Courses in Reporting: Allows you to set a threshold to ignore courses in reporting if they don't meet a certain response rate percentage or number of respondents.
  9. Pre-generate report data X days after survey end date: Before providing report access to users, you'll want to make sure you pre-generate the report data a certain number of days after the surveys have come to an end. This will allow users to pull the reporting.


  1. Note: Results options work independent of one another
  2. Enable Year dropdown as a search filter.
  3. Show Star Rating for Means.
  4. Show Mean/Std of all questions if no question is selected.
  5. Show Mean.
  6. Show Std.
  7. Show enrollment, respondent and response rate summary.

  8. Display a download link for course-level summary PDF Report with all survey questions that have been made available in reporting.

  9. Show Expand Questions button to view all questions Mean/Standard Deviation.

Project-Level Settings

In EACH Course Evaluations & Surveys project, manage the Student Reporting/Public Reporting Access Settings for that project within the Report Setup tab.

  1. Allow Student to access results from this project in the Student Reporting feature: By checking this option, you enable access to results for the project within Student Reporting.
  2. Term: This indicates the Term selected for the project on the Project Properties tab, which allows filtering of results by Term in Student Reporting.

    Note: Term is required for the Project if using Student Reporting. For more information, please refer to the Project Properties article.
  3. Access Start/End Date: Select the desired time period when the results of the project will be available in Student Reporting, by entering Access Start and Access End dates.
  4. Include Question(s): Select the specific survey questions from the project to be included in Student Reporting. Note: questions not selected will not appear in Student Reporting.
  5. Include Course(s): Select any courses from the project to exclude from Student Reporting. Note: by default, all courses in the project are selected for inclusion.
  6. Save settings.

User Access to Student Reporting/Public Reporting

Student Reporting

  1. If setup is complete, students can access results within the Course Evaluations & Surveys from the top navigation on their Course Evaluations & Surveys dashboard. You can direct students to login to Course Evaluations & Surveys , either via e-mail link, via your integration with Course Evaluations & Surveys (e.g., LMS or Portal) or direct login, then they will be able to access Student Reporting.
  2. If you are a Blackboard Learn institution, you can deploy the Course Evaluations & Surveys Student Reporting Building Block, which is a module you can display on your My Institution/My Blackboard page, containing a single sign-on link from Blackboard to Student Reporting, and it checks authentication of the student and settings mentioned above.

Public Reporting

  1. With this method of access, you can provide the Public Access URL (see above), which can be displayed wherever you like, and will take anyone who clicks on the link into Public Reporting. This access method is NOT authenticated, so anyone can click on the link and access Public Reporting. The link can be displayed in your LMS, Portal, institutional website, or distributed via e-mail. This provides the same reporting as Student Reporting, just a different access method.

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