Edit an Existing Field Placement

Edit an Existing Placement

To edit a student’s existing field placement, please follow these steps: 

  1. Navigate to the Placements side menu under Field Experience.

    Side Menu Navigation for Placements

  2. Click the Edit Existing tab. image (3).pngEditing Existing 
  1. Search for the relevant student(s).
  2. Click on the student's name to modify the existing placement of the student.
    1. To delete placement, check the checkbox next to the student’s name and click Trash Can above.
  3. Skip step 2 of the placement wizard and continue on to step 3.
  4. Once you have reached the listing of placements for your student in step 3, click the blue Placed With hyperlink that is associated with the placement you wish to edit. This will open up the information window for that placement.

    “Placed With” hyperlink

  5. Make the necessary revisions on the right-hand pane of the window.
    • To change an assessor, scroll down to the bottom of the placement information page and locate the assessors’ names (hyperlinked in blue).

      Assessor Name

    • Click the blue name of the assessor you would like to revise. This will open a new search window.
    • Search for the new assessor’s name, highlight the radio button next to the correct person’s name and click Select at the bottom of the page.
    • Continue this process for each assessor you need to revise.
  6. When you are finished revising the placement, click Update in the top right corner of the pane.
  7. Back on the Placement Listings page, click finish OR navigate back to step 1 in order to edit another student’s placement.

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