Getting Started
Before any student can be placed at a site for Field Experience, the following is required:
- Import Cooperating Site data
- Import Site Staff user data
- Import updated Student, Course, and Course Schedule files
- Import updated Faculty and Course Schedule files
- Activate Tk20 student accounts
Step 1: Select Student
- Click Field Experience.
- Click Placements–your default landing page is the “Create New” tab across the horizontal axis of the page.
- Enter search criteria for the student, then click Search.
- Select the radio button beside the student you would like to place, then click Next at the bottom of the page.
Step 2: Associate Course
Note(s): You may choose skip this step and associate a course at a later time. If you choose to skip this step, do not select a course and click Next.
- Select the radio button next to the course in which the student has a placement.
- Click the green Add Information button at the bottom of the page.
Step 3: Add Information
- Select the appropriate placement template from the dropdown menu on the right side of the split-screen.
- Click “Next.”
Note(s): Depending on your system configuration, additional questions (e.g., placement type, grade level, subject/content area) may be asked as part of the placement process. Consult your Product Consultant specializing in Field Experience to have these questions modified.
- At the bottom of the screen, Click
next to each assessor placeholder to add a specific assessor.
2. Search for the assessor, then select the radio button next to the assessor you wish to assign.
3. For Site Staff who are aligned with multiple sites, you will select the relevant site concurrently when you select the assessor.
4. Click Select.
5. Repeat steps 3-5 for each additional assessor placeholder.
- You may add additional sites to a specific site staff member by selecting the site staff member and clicking the button.
- Site Staff accounts can be created at this time by clicking Create New Staff.
Step 4: Finish and Notify
Once you are finished inputting information for the student placement, you have two button options:
Saves the placement information without notifying stakeholders.
Saves the placement information and takes you to the notification screen for this particular placement. From here, you may choose which stakeholders to notify and customize the notification message that is sent out to each party.
For activating students in bulk, see Bulk Placement.