Bulk Placement

Getting Started

Before any student can be placed at a site for Field Experience, the following is required:

  • Import Cooperating Site data
  • Import Site Staff user data
  • Import updated Student, Course, and Course Schedule files
  • Import updated Faculty and Course Schedule files
  • Activate Tk20 student accounts
  • Generate and export the following Tk20 reports for ease of information:
    • Courses 041: Student Course Rosters by Term
    • Field Experience 045: Comprehensive Report on Cooperating Teacher Data
    • Field Experience 077: Site Information
    • Administration 017: Comprehensive Report on Faculty Data

Generate and Download Bulk Placement Template

  1. Click Bulk Placement under Placements in the Field Experience side menu.
  2. Click Create New Bulk Placement.
  3. Choose whether or not you want to enforce PIDs (Personal IDs) and select the appropriate radio button. No should only be selected when ONLY new external assessors are provided.

Download Bulk Placement Template 

  • If Yes is marked, a value must be entered in the PID field for all external assessors. If an external assessor (i.e., site staff) does not exist in the system, you can still place a value (i.e., email address) in the PID field and a new user account will be created. The system will also create site alignment where provided.
  • If No is marked, the system will auto-generate PIDs for all new external assessors and create placements. The system will not create a placement for external assessors with a PID provided. An error message will populate in the error file stating “This user already exists in the system.”
  1. Select your desired Placement Template from the dropdown menu.
  2. Click the hyperlinked .xlsx file that appears under the placement template to download.

Note(s): Bulk placements may only be made for one placement template at a time.

Complete the Bulk Placement Template

  1. Complete the bulk placement template exactly as directed by the instructions in row one (1).
  2. Required information is noted with an asterisk* and illustrated in the example text.
  3. Use Courses 041 to enter accurate Student PIDs, Course Numbers, Section Numbers, and Terms.


Complete the Bulk Placement Template

Note(s): When including the course information listed above, you must choose to: (1) enter ALL course information for ALL Students, OR (2) enter NO course information for any of the Students. If NO course information is provided, then this information must be entered manually at a later time. 

  1. Only Placement Types already in the system may be entered in the Bulk Placement Template. To add a Placement Type to your server: Administration List Domain Placement Type
  2. Use Field Experience 045 to enter site staff First Names, Last Names, and PIDs EXACTLY as they appear in your Tk20 system.
  3. Use Field Experience 077 to enter accurate Site IDs. As a best practice, leave the columns for Site Name, District Name, and District Code empty to avoid mistakes.
  4. Use Administration 017 to enter accurate faculty First Names, Last Names, and PIDs EXACTLY as they appear in your Tk20 system.
  5. Only Grade Levels and Subject/Content Areas already in the system may be entered. To add a grade level or subject/content area to your server: Administration DBE Builder Grade Levels
  6. Rename the file with the current Term, Placement, and Program information (e.g., Fall 2016_1US+1CT_SW)

Upload the Completed Bulk Placement Template

Note: If you still have the New Bulk Placement window open and your session has not timed out, you can continue from there. Skip to step 4 below. 

  1. Click Bulk Placement under Placements in the Field Experience side menu.
  2. Click Create New Bulk Placement.
  3. Select the radio button for Yes to Enforce PID roles associated with sites.
  4. Click on the Select File button to search for the completed Bulk Placement Template file on your computer, or drag and drop in the indicated area.
  5. Click Next.
  6. A sample of the file will be displayed. If the information appears to be correct, mark the checkbox next to “I verify that I have checked the data and it is correct.”
  7. Click Finish to process your data. This may take several minutes.


Upload the Completed Bulk Placement Template 

  1. The Bulk Placements list will display the status of your placement, which will be “Pending” until the system has finished processing it. Refresh the page periodically to see if it’s complete yet. When the status changes to “Completed”, the Errors column will display:
    1. No Errors/Warnings
    2. Error File – Click the link to download the error file. Open the file, review and correct errors before resubmitting the Bulk Placement.
  2. You can generate the report Field Experience 022: Comprehensive Report on Field Placements to confirm placements.
You can also refer to the video link: Bulk Placement Walkthrough for Unit Administrators

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