Searching and Managing User Accounts

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User accounts can be easily searched for to review and make edits as needed to ensure that a user's account in Faculty Success is up to date with your campus system. In this article we detailed how you can utilize the Users and Security tool to search and edit user accounts. 

Searching for a User Account 

To begin searching for a user account, follow the steps outlined below.

  1. Select the "Tools" utility from the Faculty Success navigation bar and click on "Users and Security" tool to go to the Users and Security page.
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  2. Once on the Users and Security page, there will be a light grey "Search Users" box. Within this box, enter the user account's last name, first name, and/or username identifiers within the corresponding fields.

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    Keep in mind that you do not need to enter all of the user account's identifiers into the corresponding fields. Instead, you can use one or two of these identifiers to search for a user. Additionally, the system will search for matches if you only enter a few characters of the user account's identifiers.

    However, the search box will be not be able to look for users whose identifiers contain special characters like "*" or "?," such as "John Smith?." When searching for user accounts with special characters it is advised to use a few letters of the user's identifiers . For instance, instead of searching by "John Smith?," use "Jo Smi," and the application will look for matches.

  3. After entering the user account identifiers in the appropriate fields, click the "Search" button and the application will display a list of users who match your search. 

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Expanding the Search Results 

By default, the users in your search results will only be those to whom your account's security role scope has access to view. This default behavior can be modified in order to broaden your search by changing the database selection in the light grey "Search Users" box from "Activities Database" to "All Users" in order to find matches to your search across all users from all colleges, departments, and instruments that your campus has set up in Faculty Success. Note, this configuration is rare, and it will be more common this box does not appear in your system.
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Consider that your security role's scope will still limit your ability to edit or manage data for a user account in your search results that it does not have access to. The ability to edit or manage user accounts is discussed in greater detail in the section below.

Managing a User Account 

From the Users & Security page, a user account can be edited to make changes or to manage data. The following edits can be made to a user account from the Users & Security page: 

  • Changing a user's method of authentication
  • Updating name or email information for a user
  • Updating an account to track teaching, service, and research activities
  • Updating an account's associated security roles to include those within a user's scope

Editing a User Account

To begin editing a user account, use the search box on the Users and Security page to find the user. Once you've found the user, click the pencil icon in the "Edit" column to edit their account. 
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After selecting the pencil icon, you will taken to "Edit User" page which is where you will be able to edit a user account's identifiers or authentication within the second grey box with the identifier and authentication fields. For information on disabling or deleting a user, see this article.

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If you would like to enable track activities for a user account, navigate to the Activities Database box within the "Edit User" page and check the box next to "Yes" to begin tracking activities for the user.  To disable a user account's track activities, see this article

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To change a user account's security role, go to the Security Role box and check the security role you want to assign to the user and uncheck any security role you would like to remove from the user's account. View this article for instructions on how to review the security roles in your Faculty Success instance. Once you've made your changes, click the Save button at the bottom of the "Edit User" page to save your changes.

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Note: A faculty members assignments (College or Department) cannot be modified from the Users & Security tool. These modifications can be made by managing data for the user using the the Manage Data utility. To learn more about this utility, see Manage Data Utility

After you save your changes, you will be returned to the Users & Security page, where you can search for the user account to view your changes.

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