Revising a Workflow Process Post-Launch

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When a workflow process is launched, only a handful of changes can be made to the associated workflow Schedule and Template. The supported changes are outlined in this article. Continue reading to learn more about the changes that can be made to templates and schedules once a workflow process has launched. 


  1. Adding Candidates 
  2. Changing Reviewers
  3. Changing Step Due Dates 
  4. Changing Reporting Dates
  5. Refresh Reports for All Candidates
  6. Modifying Email Settings for Steps
  7. Terminating a Schedule
  8. Deleting a Schedule 

Adding Candidates

Candidates can be added to an active schedule and the details on how this can be complete are outlined in the following article, Adding Candidates to a Schedule Post-Launch.

Changing Reviewers 

If you need to change the reviewer assignment(s) for your launched workflow process, you can do so by editing the schedule and then following the steps below:

  1. Log in to Faculty Success as a Workflow Administrator.
  2. Go to the Workflow utility from the Navigation Bar and select "Configuration."
  3.  Navigate to the schedule and step that contains the reviewers you wish to replace and select to edit the reviewers. 
  4. Replace the reviewers as desired by replacing administrative reviewers and adding/removing/replacing committee members. 
  5. Save your changes. The saved changes will then be applied to open submissions associated with the schedule and take effect immediately. 

For detailed instructions on how to change reviewers for launched processes, refer to How to Adjust Reviewers or Committee Members Post-Launch.

Note: Changes to reviewers for an active process may not be made from standalone Role Groups, which was used to set up the process. To learn more about Role Groups, see What is a Role Group?


Changing Step Due Dates 

Due dates for a step can only be changed to a later date; they cannot be modified to an earlier date. Additionally, the Due Date type cannot be modified. If you need to change the due dates for steps in your launched schedule, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Faculty Success as a Workflow Administrator.
  2. Go to the Workflow utility from the Navigation Bar and select "Configuration."
  3. Navigate to the schedule and go to the step containing the due date you wish to modify. Click the Edit button to begin editing the step.
  4. Modify the due date to a later date and click the Apply button, then save your changes.
  5. A pop-up window will appear outlining the change and its impact on future emails and auto-advance schedules for submissions not past the step. Select "Yes" to proceed. The updated due dates will take effect across all remaining open submissions for that schedule.

Note: If you edit a step’s due date to fall after the due dates originally configured for subsequent steps, you’ll also need to update those subsequent steps’ due dates before you can save your changes to the schedule. The system will provide prompts to help you identify which other steps need new due dates.


Changing Reporting Dates

To change reporting dates:

  1.  Log in to Faculty Success as a Workflow Administrator.
  2. Go to the Workflow utility from the Navigation Bar and select "Configuration."
  3.  Navigate to the schedule containing the report.
  4.  Edit the step’s reporting date in the Schedule's Configuration tab and save your changes.
  5.  Choose how the new dates should affect the reports already attached to existing submissions, the options will be following: 
    • Save: This option updates the reporting dates but does not proactively refresh reports on behalf of users. This is your best option if you want to give your users a choice over if/when they refresh their report to use the new start and end dates.
    • Save and Refresh: This option applies the new reporting dates to all submissions and proactively refresh the attached reports on behalf of your users. This is a good option if you’re making the report date change well before anyone’s actually engaged in the process (e.g., you just launched and need to correct a date typo). This option will refresh reports for all open submissions in the schedule. This means reports for submissions beyond the initial candidate step could have their content changed.

Note: The type of reports in your schedule cannot be changed post-launch. 


Refresh Reports for All Candidates  

Reports can be refreshed for all candidates by using the "Save and Refresh" action when changing the reporting dates. This action may be needed if at least one of the following applies: 

  • Data has been entered into faculty's activities after they submitted their report, and the report must reflect the new data.
  • There have been report revisions completed through a Report Revision Work Request, and all current open processes must reflect those changes.

To refresh reports for all candidates:

    1.  Log in to Faculty Success as a Workflow Administrator.
    2. Go to the Workflow utility from the Navigation Bar and select "Configuration."
    3. Navigate to the schedule that contains the report you wish to refresh for all candidates in the schedule. 
    4. Open the schedule and go to the step that contains the report you wish to refresh for all candidates in the schedule. 
    5. Click the "Edit" button for the step to modify the reporting date range. The reporting date may be modified by one day for its start or end date. After modifying the reporting date range, select the "Apply" button to apply your changes, and then click the "Save" button to save your changes. 

      Note: You may take a screen-capture of the original Start and End dates or note them down for future reference. 

    6. A pop-up window will then appear outlining the change you made to the report. Select the "Save" option from the pop-up window. You will then be taken back to the template's schedule page. 
    7. Re-open the schedule and navigate to the step that contains the report dates you modified. Click the "Edit" button for the step to modify the reporting date. Revert the reporting date you changed earlier back to the original date. After reverting your change, select the "Apply" button to apply your changes, and then click the "Save" button to save your changes. 
    8. A pop-up window will reappear outlining the changes you are making. This time, select the "Save and Refresh" option within the pop-up window to refresh the reports for all candidates' processes. You will then be taken back to the template's schedule menu page, but now the report has been refreshed for all candidates for the last date range inputted to run the report by. 

Modifying Email Settings for Steps 

Once a schedule is confirmed (open), individual email settings and Digest Emails cannot be modified further. However, if you need to cancel emails for a step or Digest Emails, this is possible. Cancelling emails is an action that cannot be undone and will stop all future scheduled reminders, final reminders and overdue alert emails from being sent. Invitation emails, however, will continue to be sent to participants for steps that have invitation emails enabled.  

To cancel emails for a step, follow these steps: 

  1. Login to Faculty Success as a Workflow Administrator.
  2. Go to the Workflow utility from the Navigation Bar and select "Configuration."
  3. Navigate to the Schedule for which you wish to cancel reminder, final reminder and overdue email alters for. 
  4. Open the schedule and go to it's "Email Settings" tab. 
  5. From the email settings tab, locate the step for which you wish to cancel emails and click on the "Configure Email Settings" hyperlink for the step. 
  6. At the bottom of the step's email settings, find the "Cancel All Pending Emails for this Step" area. Then toggle the "Cancel Emails" to "Yes" to cancel the emails for the step. Keep in mind that this action cannot be undone and invitation emails will continue to be sent, if enabled for the step. 
  7. After cancelling the emails, the email settings for the step will update to display "Cancelled" for reminder, final reminder and overdue email alters, indicating that these emails will not be sent to participants going forward. 

Terminating a Schedule 

There may be instances where a Schedule needs to be rolled back immediately after launching to make corrections to the Schedule. In this case, the schedule can be terminated. Terminating a schedule is an action that cannot be undone and results in loss of all data collected for submissions associated with the schedule. Therefore, it is crucial to only terminate a schedule when it is absolutely necessary and the data loss is not a concern. 

To terminate a schedule, follow these steps: 

  1. Login to Faculty Success as a Workflow Administrator.
  2. Go to the Workflow utility from the Navigation Bar and select "Configuration."
  3. Navigate to the Schedule you wish to terminate. 
  4. Once you hav found the schedule, click on the arrow facing down within the "Actions" column, and select the "Terminate" option. Once selected, the Schedule will be automatically terminated. Remember, this action cannot be undone and all data for submissions associated with the schedule will be deleted.

Deleting a Schedule 

There may be instances where a Schedule need to be deleted entirely in order to create a new schedule from scratch. Deleting a schedule is an action that cannot be undone. Therefore, it is crucial to only delete a schedule when it is necessary.

To delete a schedule, follow these steps: 

    1. Login to Faculty Success as a Workflow Administrator.
    2. Go to the Workflow utility from the Navigation Bar and select "Configuration."
    3. Navigate to the Schedule you wish to terminate. 
    4. Once you hav found the schedule, click on the arrow facing down within the "Actions" column, and select the "Delete" option. Once selected, the Schedule will be automatically deleted and this action cannot be undone. 


Once a workflow schedule is associated with a template, most of the template, such as the sequence of steps, becomes locked for editing. A locked icon will appear next to the template in the "Actions" column on the Workflow Configuration page. However, some edits can still be made to locked templates. These changes will retroactively apply to any processes associated with the template. The editable items are: 

  1. Template Name and Type 
  2. Step Settings (Action Label)
  3. Step Form 
  4. Security Form Settings

If you need to make modifications to a template that cannot be edited while it is locked, you must terminate and delete all the schedules associated with the template. This will remove any pending or open schedules, allowing you to make the desired modifications. However, keep in mind that terminating and deleting a schedule cannot be undone and will result in the permanent deletion of all data associated with the submissions for that schedule. 

To retain the data for the associated schedules, we recommend duplicating the template, making the desired modifications to the copied template and then creating a new process using the new template. For instructions on how to duplicate a template, see the "Duplicating a Template" section within the How to Configure a Workflow Template article. 

Template Name and Type

The template name and type can be changed, and this change will be reflected in associated processes. To make these changes: 

  1. Login to Faculty Success as a Workflow Administrator.
  2. Go to the Workflow utility from the Navigation Bar and select "Configuration" to open the Workflow Configuration page. 
  3. Use the sorting and filtering options on the workflow configuration page to find the template you wish to modify. Refer to the "Sorting and Filtering" templates section of the How to Configure a Workflow Template article for more details. 
  4. Once you've found the desired template, open the template to modify the "Name" and "Type" fields as desired. 
  5. After making your edits, select the "Save" button to save your changes. 
  6. A pop-up window will then appear, confirming that the change will impact active schedules and submissions. To proceed, confirm the changes in the pop-up window by selecting the "Save" button. The changes will then be applied to all processes associated with the template. 

Step Settings (Action Label) 

Only the Action Label can be edited for a step's settings in a locked template. The action label is the text a participant sees before the name of the next step when they submit their review material. By default, the action label is "Submit." For example, if the next step is "Department Chair," the participant will see "Submit to the Department Chair" by default. 

To modify the Action Label: 

  1. Login to Faculty Success as a Workflow Administrator.
  2. Go to the Workflow utility from the Navigation Bar and select "Configuration" to open the Workflow Configuration page. 
  3. Use the sorting and filtering options on the workflow configuration page to find the template you wish to modify. Refer to the "Sorting and Filtering" templates section of the How to Configure a Workflow Template article for more details. 
  4. Once you've found the desired template, click on its title to open it and select the desired step within the template you wish to modify the action label for. This will open its settings box on the right-hand side of your window. 
  5. Edit the action label in the step's settings box. 
  6. After making your edit, click the "Save" button to save your changes and confirm your change in the pop-up window. Your change will then be reflected in active processes associated with the template. 

Step Form 

Certain items in a step's form can be edited for a locked template. These items include: 

  • File upload limits 
  • Field labels 
  • Field required settings 
  • Static instructional text 
  • Member visibility

To begin modifying one of these items, follow these steps:

  1. Login to Faculty Success as a Workflow Administrator.
  2. Go to the Workflow utility from the Navigation Bar and select "Configuration" to open the Workflow Configuration page. 
  3. Use the sorting and filtering options on the workflow configuration page to find the template you wish to modify. Refer to the "Sorting and Filtering" templates section of the How to Configure a Workflow Template article for more details. 
  4. Once you've found the desired template, click on its title to open it and select the desired step within the template you wish to modify the form for. This will open its settings box on the right-hand side of your window. 
  5. From the step's settings box, click on the "Configure Form" button to begin editing the form as desired. Keep in mind that to edit a field, you must click on the field and then select the pencil icon. Additionally, member visibility can be disabled or enabled for committee steps as needed. To learn more about member visibility see the "Configuring Multiple Forms for Committee Steps" section of the How to Configure Workflow Forms article. 
  6. After making your desired edits to the form, select the "Apply" button to apply the changes, then click the "Save" button. A pop-up window will appear, outlining the schedules that will be impacted. To proceed with the change, select the "Save" button within the pop-up window. The changes will then be automatically applied to all active schedules associated with the template.

Security Form Settings

Security form settings for a step can be modified in a locked template, giving you control over what participants can view other steps once a submission reaches their step. For more details on managing security form settings, see Managing Form Security in Workflow. Once you have completed the desired changes to the security form settings of the template, select the "Save" button and confirm your change in the pop-up window. The changes will then be automatically applied to all active processes associated with the template. 

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