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You can access the Workflow Administrator Certification videos here. |
When configuring Security for a given step, anything before that step will impact what the assignee sees from both their Inbox and History. Anything after that step will impact what the assignee sees from History.
My candidate shouldn’t see certain information until a specific step is complete. Can I accommodate that?
Yes, by utilizing candidate response steps. You can set up the initial candidate submission step to prevent candidate from seeing future information (all subsequent steps have the locked icon when the first step is selected); then you can set up a future candidate response step to allow users to to see selected steps prior steps when the response step begins.
It's important to note that visibility settings should be considered for each step in a given template. Make sure you carefully consider this setting for each step, especially for processes such as promotion and tenure, where certain forms after the candidate step should not be visible to the candidate member.
Note: Committee Member forms are not included in these settings. Committee Member responses are only visible while the committee step is active and only to the participants of that step. To control whether members of a committee can see each others’ responses, you must enable member visibility from within the form. |
The Workflow module is available to add to Faculty Success for an additional fee. To learn more about adding it for your institution, please contact your Client Success Manager. |