How to Configure Steps in a Workflow Template

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Once you have configured the Steps within a Process, you can adjust the settings and attributes of each individual Step. The customizable attributes of a particular Step are as follows:

  • Name of the step
  • The "Action Label" of the step. (This changes the verbiage on the button that routes the submission to the next step.)
  • Type of Due Date
  • Branching options for the step.  (For more detail, see the How to Configure a Workflow Template with Branching Options article.)
  • The Forms available for each Step. (We will learn about Forms in more detail in the next article.)

    Note: As of August 2021, the settings to determine which Notifications and Reminders users will receive can be found and configured on the Schedules page.

To access these settings, click on each Step in the Template Diagram. That Step will be highlighted, and you will see the "Configure Step" pane appear on the right side of the screen.

Naming the Step

Each step should be given a name that describes the user that will participate in the Step, and the action that the user will take. For example, you may name a step "Faculty Submission" or "Dean Review". The name of the step should be something recognizable to the user, reflecting the terminology used on campus.



The default name given to each step reflects the scope of the step. For example, a default "Department Chair" step has a scope of "department". So it’s important that steps only ever be renamed to something that is relevant for that existing scope, so that when the time comes to configure the Role Groups, the scopes of those Role Groups align correctly with the scopes of your process steps. While you can freely rename steps from their default, you’ll later associate Role Groups with each step and your options will be limited to groups that have the same scope as the step. So be sure that you start with a step that corresponds to the appropriate scope. If you're not sure which scope to use, take a look at Security Roles Overview.


You will be able to change the type and scope of the step after it has been created (anything but the first step as that will always be the initial submission candidate). You can do this from the Configuration pane, within the Details section. 


Note: If you are changing a Committee step to an Administrative Review or Faculty Response step, the Committee Chair form is what will be retained as the form for the new step type. If you are changing a Faculty Response or Administrative Review step to a Committee step type, the Committee Chair portion will receive the default form, and the Committee Member form will receive the default comment field.

You can see the impact of these changes when you go to create a schedule and notice that different role groups are available to this step now then before the changes were made.

Joint Appointments

Any step that needs to make use of the Joint Appointments functionality must have the step Type of "Review Committee" selected. The scope of a step for joint appointments will make use of two role groups: review committee (first listed appointment on Yearly/Administrative Data) and administrative reviewer (all other appointments). Before preparing this type of step, please review the configuration details in this article.

Setting Action Labels


The "Action Label" of each step controls the appearance of the button used to advance a submission to the next step. By default, the label is "Submit". Depending on the step and particular type of process, you may want this button to be worded in a slightly different way to make the user's experience more intuitive. For instance, you could use "Send to Chair" or "Send to Dean" as Action Labels. If you're configuring the terminal step in a process, you could use the "Finalize" or "Complete" as the Action Label.

Note that there is a 15-character limit for the Action Label.


The Workflow module is available to add to Faculty Success for an additional fee. To learn more about adding it for your institution, please contact your Client Success Manager.

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