Submitting Report Revision(s) Work Requests

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If you need to revise an existing report in Faculty Success, you should submit a Report Revision(s) work request. The request should include a mock-up report of the changes you would like to make as well as the additional information highlighted in the steps below.

To modify an existing custom report:

  1. Select "Work Requests" in the Navigation Bar.
  2. Select "Report Revision(s)"  in the drop-down list and select "Continue."
  3. In Step 1, title the work request. If you do not provide a title, the default will be "Report Revision: Report Name".
  4. In Step 2, describe the report modifications that you wish to made.
    Make sure that you include:
    • Any changes to who will run this report. This is typically one or more security roles for one or more units, such as the College Limited Administrator security role for the College of Education, or Faculty security role for the entire campus.

      Note: We cannot assign reports to an individual as this can be achieved through the Self-Service report tool. We can grant access based on the security role(s) to which you have assigned a user. To see current security role assignments for each report, use the View Security Roles menu from the Users and Security utility. 

    • Any changes to the name of the report? Indicate the name by which you would like the report to appear on your "Reports" drop-down list. Capitalization and punctuation are important. Examples include Faculty Activity Report, Annual Activity Report, or Faculty Annual Activity Report.
    • Any changes for the time frame for which you will typically run the report? For many reports, the time frame for which you run it will influence the way that we set up the report to select records. For example, if you typically run your Annual Reports from July 1 - June 30, we will likely need to set up the report to pull in only one set of summer term courses. Knowing up-front what your date range will be ensures that we can ask the right questions when putting the report in place.
    • Any changes for the group of users for which you will typically run the report? Knowing whether you will typically run a report on a single individual, a specific unit, or the entire campus will ensure that we are scaling this report appropriately and grouping data at the correct level.

    See What Should Be In a Work Request for more information.

  5. In Step 3, select "Choose File", attach the mock-up report that reflects the modifications you wish to make. 

    Note: The report's template can be used as a starting point for creating your mock-up report. By following the steps in this article, you can download the report's template.

  6. When you are ready to submit your request, click the "Submit Request" button.

Faculty Success will process the work request and modify the report template based on the changes specified in your request. You will then be notified when the revisions to your report are complete.

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