Submitting Screen Revision Work Requests

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Before requesting modifications to your data collection screens, keep in mind that your Faculty Success data will be affected by almost all changes except for those that are purely cosmetic (e.g. adding help text) or additive (adding fields to an existing screen). Changing drop-down list values changes records in your database that use those values. Deleting fields deletes the corresponding data in your database. Even if you don't think you'll need the data you're changing or deleting, it never hurts to make a back up using a Data Export. There are sample work requests in this article to help get you started. 

Managing Drop-Down List Values

It's natural for your data validation needs to evolve with time. Maybe several departments have gone through name changes since last year, maybe you'd like to consolidate a drop-down list that's gotten a bit unwieldy, or maybe you just need to add a course prefix or two to your Scheduled Teaching screen. We can help you update your database in a few simple steps:

  • Create a Screen Revision work request
  • Clearly identify the screen and field of the drop-down or checkbox list you'd like to modify
  • If you know that the list is shared across several screens, clarify whether you want the change to apply to just one or to all applicable screens
  • List the unique values you would like ADDED
  • Define mapping for values you would like MERGED into other values using the format existing value = new value (this will remove the existing value from your list and transfer the data to the new value)
  • List existing values you would like DELETED (this will remove the value from your list as well as any data associated with this value; if you would like to retain the data in its original form, download a CSV backup before submitting this request)
  • By default, we will sort the list alphabetically (with the exception of the value "Other", which will automatically be listed last); if you do not want values listed alphabetically, specify a SORT order exactly as you would like values to appear in your list

Please note that we do not support retiring drop down list values.

Modifying Existing Screens

Unless you're making identical, simple changes across several screens, you'll need to submit one screen revision request per screen you need changed.

  • Create a Screen Revision work request
  • In one or two sentences, tell us why you're requesting a modification--explain what problem you're trying to solve--usually, this is the institutional reporting reason for the change, or perhaps a push to ameliorate the user experience
  • Specify the screen you'd like to update
  • Identify every single question you'd like updated, by label or by code, and tell us exactly what you'd like to change (e.g. "On the Media Appearances and Interviews screen, update the Type drop down to be required, and to have the following help text: [...]")
  • If you'd like to add one or several fields, provide the type, location and label for each new field (our configuration team will determine the field code)
  • If you'd like to delete one or several fields, remember that this will delete any associated data

Please note: we reserve the right not to implement changes that would seriously compromise data integrity (e.g. duplicating concepts without necessity) or the user experience (e.g. when the resulting screen would be excessively long or unwieldy).

Creating New Screens

Our out-of-the-box configuration should cover most of what your faculty do. If for any reason, an important class of activities is not currently being captured in your Faculty Success database, you can request the creation of a new screen.

  • Creation a Screen Revision work request
  • In one or two sentences, tell us why you're requesting a new screen--explain what problem you're trying to solve
  • Tell us (1) what you would like the new screen to be called, (2) where you would like the new screen to appear, and (3) exactly what fields the new screen should include
  • Keep in mind that choosing an appropriate dating scheme for your new screen is critical in ensuring records appear in reports over the expected time frame

To ensure that any new screen meets your needs as quickly as possible, without needing any major revisions down the road, there may be some back-and-forth in the Work Requests utility to ensure an adequate screen design before any work is done in your database. Providing a clear exposition of your reporting needs up front will help us give you any needed feedback as soon as possible.

Please note: we do not guarantee that any screen design will be implemented. Faculty Success is designed for faculty activity tracking. Screen designs that depart significantly from this purpose will typically not be implemented.


Field access/restrictions (narrative)

Title: Access restrictions on Awards screen (CONGRANT)
Narrative: Please change the access for all fields on these screens to Read Only. 

Deleting values and how to indicate where existing data goes (narrative)

Title: Schedule Teaching Drop Down value deletions
Narrative: In the Delivery Mode drop down, please:
Remove Lecture/Lab
Remove Discussion
Add Small Group

Delete any data associated with Lecture/Lab or Discussion values.

Renaming a screen and/or field label (narrative)

Title: Changes to Professional Services screen.
Narrative: Change:
Reviewer/Referee to: Reviewer (no loss of entered data)
Interaction with Industry to: Scientific Advisor - Company

Rearranging fields (narrative)

Narrative - Please move “Approx. Number of Hours Spent Per Year” field (NUMHOURS_YEARLY) directly below “Organization/Committee” field (ORG) on each of these pages.

Rearranging screens (mock-up)

Title:  Rearrange screen order in Teaching/Mentoring section
Narrative: Please rearrange order of screens in the Teaching/Mentoring section as shown in attached image.



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