Selecting Outcomes to include in a Plan

The first step in creating an Assessment Plan is selecting the Outcomes that the Organization will assess during the Plan's Reporting Year. This will entail selecting Outcomes for inclusion, and may also include removing Outcomes from the Plan if it is later decided that they will not be assessed. 

Adding Outcomes to the Plan

Adding Outcomes begins with clicking the "Select Outcomes" button upon entering the Plan. 


 The following page will display a list of all the Organization’s Outcomes.

If changes to an Outcome are required, they can be made on this page. Expanding the "More Options" menu to the right of any Outcome will present the Edit and Revise options. 
Any additional Outcomes that are required can also be added by selecting "Create New Outcome" at the bottom of the screen. 
For more information on Creating, Editing and/or Revising Outcomes, please see the article linked HERE
To pull in the Outcome(s) that the Organization will assess for this Plan, first select the checkbox for each  Outcome that is intended to be included. Then, click "Apply Selection" in the upper right-hand corner of the page.
On the following page, the selected Outcome(s) will be listed, along with the option to begin entering Measures for each Outcome. If your selected Outcome(s) had associated Measures that were added in Plans from previous Reporting Years, those Measures will automatically be added to the Outcomes for this Plan.

Removing Outcomes from a Plan

The steps for removing an Outcome from a Plan are largely the same as the steps for adding an Outcome.

Upon entering the Plan, one would select "Add/Edit Outcomes" in the top-right. 


This will then present the same Outcome selection screen as was presented when Adding Outcomes. Naturally, to remove an Outcome, it would need to be de-selected here, before hitting "Apply Selection". This should remove the Outcome from the Plan, though there are several consideration. 

NOTE that Outcomes can only be removed from a Plan if they do not have any Measures associated with them.  If an Outcome has associated Measures, those Measures must first be deleted before the Outcome can be removed from the Plan. 

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