Accessing the Assessment Plan


There are multiple ways for a user to access an Assessment Plan, depending on the Role they have been assigned in Planning & Self Study. 

Accessing Plan as an Administrator

Administrators can access the Plan via a workflow that allows for oversight of all Organizations pulled into the Plan.

They would begin by selecting "Plans" on the administrative toolbar found on the left-hand side of their homepage:


This will present the Administrator with a view of all Plans across all Reporting Years.


Upon selecting the appropriate plan, the Administrator could either:

  1. click on the name of the Organization to view the data in an editable state
  2. click on the Report function on the right to produce a PDF export



Accessing Plan as a Contributor (general user)

For every Organization that a Contributor is assigned to as a Lead, there will be an Organization card listed on the user's home page. 

OrgCard.pngThe Organizational Card as presented on the user's home page.

The Organization card presents two options for accessing the Plan.

  1. On the Organization card, there is a section titled "Projects in Progress". If the Plan is still open, it will be listed here, and the user can click on it's name to enter it. 
  2. Alternatively, the user can click "Enter Program" to be brought into the Program's Organizational area. From here, there will also be an "In Progress" tab on the left, under which any open Plan can be selected.

*Note - if the Plan has been closed, a report containing its data can be located on this area, under the Docs & Reports tab. 

The Organizational area, with In Progress and Docs& Reports tabs highlighted.

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