Taskstream Evaluator/ Faculty FAQs
Taskstream Faculty / Evaluator Role FAQs
Here are links to the most common questions that faculty / evaluators have about using Taskstream, sorted by topic:
Accessing Taskstream
The article links below will take you through the steps of creating an account, which internet browser to use, and how to log in or reset your password in Taskstream:
Create or Renew a Taskstr...
How to Evaluate Work in Taskstream
How to Evaluate Work in Taskstream
In Taskstream, an Evaluator is the person who is scoring work.
To begin, access and log in to your Taskstream account.
If you have multiple roles, click the Evaluator tab.
Locating Work That Requires Evaluation
There are 3 different ways to locate work that requires evaluation.
Option A
Click Evaluation Required in the All...
FAQ: How does an Evaluator unlock student work in Taskstream?
Unlocking Work that Has Not Been Evaluated
In Taskstream, student work becomes locked (showing a padlock icon) when a student clicks the Submit Work button and then confirms the submission.Example:If you, the Evaluator, have not looked at or begun the evaluation, and the status of the submission is Submitted (as in the screenshot below), then the student can click the C...
FAQ: Can an Evaluator evaluate work from a student whose account has expired?
Yes, students with inactive Taskstream accounts can still be evaluated, but they will not automatically display in the evaluation grid.
To find work submitted by an inactive subscriber, please follow the steps below:
1. From your homepage, select the name of the DRF program where you are completing evaluations. 2. At the bottom of the search screen, when selecting the c...
FAQ: How does an Evaluator access previously evaluated work?
If you are enrolled as an Evaluator in a program, you can access work that you have already evaluated by following the directions below:1. Click the name of the program you'd like to access from your homepage2. You can search for work by a specific student (author) or, you can search for multiple students with work in some or all areas of that program. To view only prev...
FAQ: How can Evaluators view the rubrics, directions, and roster of a DRF program?
To view the rubric, directions, and roster associated with a requirement in a DRF program:
On your Taskstream homepage, ensure you are clicked on the Evaluator tab if you have multiple roles in the DRF program
Click the name of the DRF program
To see the directions and rubrics, locate the Program Links area on the top right side, and click DRF Setup Details
4. From t...
Evaluation Manager Role: Editing evaluations after score has been released
The Evaluation Manager role in a Taskstream DRF program is responsible for management of various aspects of the program evaluations.
Note: The Evaluation Manager can alter the evaluation after it has been released; Evaluators cannot.
Evaluation Manager Permissions
The Evaluation Management permission includes three distinct privileges that can be assigned separately.
Reconciling Evaluations
Reconciliation Required is available for Evaluation Managers with Reconcile permission only, and includes all Programs with submissions, which have not been reconciled. It is sorted by ascending order by date last evaluated, with the submission that has been waiting to be reconciled for the longest amount of time appearing at the top of the list.You have numerous option...
Analytics for Faculty/ Evaluators
Accessing Your Faculty Dashboard
Taskstream LAT by Watermark includes dashboards to help users gain more insight into the work they are doing within the platform.
Note: If you do not have Analytics in your top navigation bar it is because your institution has chosen to disable this feature.
To access the dashboard analytics available to you, click Analytics on the t...
The Reviewer Role: Guide
Reviewer Role Overview
In Taskstream, the Reviewer in a DRF program can view and provide comments on work that has been shared with them. They cannot complete official assessments or evaluations unless they are also given the role of Evaluator.
Accessing Work to Review
To access work to review, from the Taskstream home page, you may have multiple roles you can acces...