Reconciling Evaluations

Reconciliation Required is available for Evaluation Managers with Reconcile permission only, and includes all Programs with submissions, which have not been reconciled. It is sorted by ascending order by date last evaluated, with the submission that has been waiting to be reconciled for the longest amount of time appearing at the top of the list.

You have numerous options for reorganizing this list or for filtering the information appearing in the list. You can click any of the column headings to reorganize the list. Each time you reorganize the list, the date submitted will be used as the second criteria for organization.

To view the work awaiting reconciliation for a single Program, select the Program you want to view from the Filter by pull-down menu located near the top of the screen.

To begin reconciling an item of evaluated work, click the Reconcile button.

This will enable you to access the reconciliation area that corresponds with that item of work.


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