Watermark Faculty Success organizes and builds reports on teaching, research and service activities. This allows you to keep track of your activity information just once so that many outputs can be prepared, such as annual activity reports, promotion and tenure documents, accreditation reports, your CV, your profile on your campus website and much more. It also assists your administration in responding to requests for faculty-related data, rather than needing to continually ask you for the information. This enables your campus to communicate more effectively about your accomplishments.
To help you get started using Faculty Success, here is a quick overview of the features you will work with most often. Remember that you can always contact your school for assistance or regarding usage policies. You may submit a help request to your administration team by using the "Help" icon at the top right of the web page and selecting "Contact Us." Your school may also have unique resources linked in this menu for you to review.
Navigation Bar
When you first log in to the system, you will see a navigation bar. The navigation bar displays all utilities available to your account. The list of utilities may differ from the example depending on your institution's Watermark agreement and your access level.
- Activities: Add or update information about the activities you accomplish.
- CV Imports: Upload your CV to add activity information in bulk. Access to this feature is dependent on your institution's Watermark agreement.
- Reports: Run reports that have been custom-built for your campus or create your own reports.
- Workflow: This utility allows you to submit review materials for processes like an Annual Review. Access to this feature is dependent on your institution's Watermark agreement.
- Help: The question mark icon allows you to access our Help Center and submit feedback on how we could improve the system, questions about how to use the system, or report system errors.
The activities utility will allow you to enter your activities and update them as needed, so it would be beneficial to spend a few minutes looking through the activity screens accessible from it. To access an activity screen, click its name. The resulting summary screen displays information that is stored for that screen. There are seven possible actions you can take from the resulting screen, although not all of these actions will always be available:
- To add a new entry, select the "Add New" button.
- To edit or view a entry, click any entry row on the summary screen. If you select a specific field, the editor will open with the field in focus.
Note: Your Faculty Success Administrator may have added entry to the system for you. These entry can be viewed, but cannot be edited or deleted. A lock icon identifies these entry. If revisions are needed to the entry which have been entered on your behalf, contact your Faculty Success Administrator using the Help link. - To import items in bulk in the Publications screen, select the "Import" button and view the section Import Publications from Other Systems for more information.
- To delete a entry, select the appropriate check box, then select the button with the red trash can icon.
- To copy a entry, select the appropriate check box, then select the "Duplicate" button.
- To merge entry which you consider duplicates, select the checkbox for each duplicate entry and select the "Compare" button. The Compare and Merge feature enables users to resolve duplicates.
- When working in the system, it is important that you preserve modifications by selecting one of the "Save" buttons at the top of the screen. If you attempt to navigate away from a screen containing unsaved changes, a warning message will display to determine whether you would like to return to the screen and save your modifications before proceeding.
Note: A record with a locked icon indicates that another user on your campus created the record and included you as a linked collaborator. As a result, the record appears in your activities with a locked icon. To learn more about linked records, refer to Managing Linked Records. |
Activities List
The available activity screens from the utility is determined by your system administrator or Faculty Success agreement. If there are any questions regarding the information available under Activities, contact your administrator using the help link.
Import Publications from Other Systems
Access to this product feature is dependent on your institution's Watermark agreement
There are two ways for you to bring citations into Faculty Success from other database repositories.
First, you can load BibTeX files into Faculty Success. BibTeX Imports enable you to import citations from a wide variety of reference managers or databases — for example, EndNote, Google Scholar, Mendeley, RefWorks, HeinOnline or Zotero. Read more here about how to import a BibTeX file.
Second, you can import citations directly from Crossref and PubMed. If your campus has a subscription, you can also import directly from ORCID, Scopus and Web of Science. Read more here.
Data Share Settings
Within the activities utility in Faculty Success, you'll also be able to share data with other systems through recurring weekly exports. Enabling this feature ensures that any updates made to scholarly activities are accurately reflected across other data repositories. To learn more about this functionality, visit Data Share Settings.
Publication Proactive Search
A notifications pane adjacent to your activities profile will suggest publications from supported publication repositories to add to your academic portfolio. Read more here to review how publications are recommended and how to import, merge, or reject the suggested publications.
CV Imports
Access to this product feature is dependent on your institution's Watermark agreement
The CV Importer feature in Watermark Faculty Success will help you get data into the system quickly and accurately using the source you most trust—your CV! We know you are busy and the goal of CV Imports is to allow you to spend less time entering data and more time with your Teaching, Service and Research activities.
The capability uses highlighting technology to identify areas of your CV that tie to specific fields within Faculty Success, customized to our system configuration. Once the highlighting is complete, you go through a series of steps to review, validate and confirm the upload.
Read more here for a tutorial on using the CV Import tool. Depending on your institution's configuration, this tool may not be available.
Use this utility to run reports that were custom-built for your campus or to create a new CV to your own specifications. For more information on customizing your own CV, click here.
The workflow utility is where you can access any active review processes in which you may be involved in. For more information about this utility and how to contribute to a process in which you may be participating, see this article.
Additional Features
Take a look at the following key features that streamline data entry and reporting! Read more here for more information and addition system functionality.
Read more here for answers to the most frequently asked questions.