
  • Requesting a New Report Citation

    Access to this product feature is dependent on your institution's Watermark agreementBase ☑ | Faculty Accomplishments ☑ | Reviews, Promotion and Tenure ☐ | Web Profiles ☐ Citations for Publications are provided by Citation Style Language ( We are not able to modify or update citations for this screen.    A citation style is a method of organ...

  • How to Review a Report Template

    A report template shows how the report works, so it's a good place to start when deciding what changes to make to a report or troubleshooting a report to figure out why a record isn't appearing when it's run. There are two kinds of reports available in your Reports utility: full-service reports and self-service reports. Each of which has a unique method of downloading t...

  • Significant Dates and Reporting

    Access to this product feature is dependent on your institution's Watermark agreementBase ☑ | Faculty Accomplishments ☑ | Reviews, Promotion and Tenure ☐ | Web Profiles ☐ In Faculty Success, date fields can be designated as either significant or insignificant. Significant dates establish the timeline of a record and determine if it will be included in a report based on ...

  • Viewing Record Metadata

    Access to this product feature is dependent on your institution's Watermark agreementBase ☑ | Faculty Accomplishments ☑ | Reviews, Promotion and Tenure ☐ | Web Profiles ☐ There are several areas in Faculty Success where you can obtain metadata about specific records. This includes the following: Date a record was created Source of the record's creation (Data Entry, Imp...

  • Report Parameters and Data Paths

    Access to this product feature is dependent on your institution's Watermark agreementBase ☐ | Faculty Accomplishments ☑ | Reviews, Promotion and Tenure ☐ | Web Profiles ☐ You likely have identified reporting needs that require data to be pulled in different ways and for different users using the same standard report template. Or perhaps you have custom reports that are ...