Requesting a New Report Citation

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Citations for Publications are provided by Citation Style Language ( We are not able to modify or update citations for this screen. 


A citation style is a method of organizing data from activity screens in a defined structure within a report. You can request multiple custom citation styles to your reports depending on the activity information relevant to the type of report. For example, you may wish to include more details about a Presentation in a Promotion & Tenure Dossier, but prefer a shorter output in a Vita. This feature extends to both Self-Service (Create a new report) and Full-Service (Watermark created) reports.

Create a New Citation 

A new citation can be requested for either a self-service or full-service report as part of a report revision work request. The work request should include the following information: 

  • The full title of the report where you want the new citation to appear.
  • The activity screen and fields from which the information displayed in your citation will be retrieved from. 
  • The format and title of your citation. 

For the final item, the format of your citation should be similar to the citations already in your report. If your report does not have a citation, you should view the citation format in the report template of a report that does include citation styles, such as one for Publications or Intellectual Contributions, the citation format of which will be displayed in the full-service report as shown below.


In a Self-Service report, activities will be displayed in the citation format for the display style selected.


Note: It is important to remember that the citation style refers to fields in the activity screen. Report templates will refer to the labels and fields configured for your system, and may differ from our examples due to customizations that have been made.


Update a Citation 

A citation can be updated by submitting a Report Revision Work Request. The work request should include the report template and the changes you wish to make to the citations displayed within the report template. For an overview on how to view the report template of a report, see How to Review a Report Template

How to use a Citation 

Full-Service Reports 

When starting with Faculty Success, the Watermark provided reports will use default citation styles for all activity screens. These styles, with the notable exception of Publications, may be defined at a global (all reports) level, or for individual custom reports. Citations are flexible and may show any set of fields from the activity screen that align with your reporting needs.

Self-Service Reports 

A citation style can be selected from the Display Style drop-down menu that appears when you select to include an activity screen that contains citation styles in your report. 


For more information on how to format your Self-Service Report to include a citation style, see Custom Formatted Reports in Faculty Success

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