Assessment Planning: Course-Level Outcome Data Entry


  • In order to enter data for course outcome statements, you will first need to have uploaded courses into Tk20 and the campus Tk20 Unit Administrator will need to have created an assessment plan for courses at your institution.

Getting Started

  1. Click Planning in the side menu.
  2. From the side-menu, click Assessment Planning.
  3. Click Assessment Planning.
  4. Click Courses Data Entry.
  5. Search for the course you want to enter outcomes for using the search field provided, then click Search.
  6. Select your course from the results provided.

Course-Level Outcome Data Entry

  1. Select your desired outcome for data entry from the list of outcomes.
  2. Enter data by clicking on Collapse to expand the corresponding topics. A common assessment plan displays topics for Measures, Results, and Actions; however, this may vary from institution to institution.
  3. Complete the provided topic forms, then click Save to save and return at a later time, or Submit.

Outcome Data Entry

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