Assessment Planning: Outcome Mapping

Getting Started

In order to modify outcome mapping for your organization (e.g., program, unit), your Unit Administrator will first need to associate your account with the appropriate organization(s).

Mapping Outcomes

  1. Click on Planning.
  2. Click on Outcomes/Goals under Assessment Planning in the horizontal menu at the top of your screen.
  3. Click on Outcome Mapping.
  1. Select the parent organization and outcome type from the left-side of the screen.
  2. Select the child organization and outcome type from the right-side of the screen.


Selecting the Parent and Child Organizations

  1. Select the parent outcome from the left-side of the screen.
  2. Select the child outcome(s) from the right-side of the screen.
  3. Click Save.

Selecting the Parent and Child Outcomes

Successfully mapped outcomes will look like this:


Successfully Mapped Outcomes


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