Assessment Planning: Creating and Editing Program/Unit Outcomes

Getting Started

In order to modify the outcome statements for your organization (e.g., program, unit), your Unit Administrator will first need to associate your account with the appropriate organization.

Adding an Outcome Statement

  1. Click on Planning.
  2. Click on Outcomes/Goals under Assessment Planning in the horizontal menu at the top of your screen.
  3. Click on Edit/Create.
  4. If you are associated with multiple organizations, select the organization from the dropdown menu you want to add.
  5. Select the outcome type from the dropdown menu that you want to add.
  6. Click on Add Outcome.


Adding Outcomes

  1. Enter your outcome statement in the Outcomes area. A description is optional.


The Outcome Statement


The Results selection will determine from where the outcome’s measures are derived.



Results are derived from its own measures

  1. Select Results are derived from its own measures.
  2. Click on Advanced.
  3. For Start Date, please select the day you began you assessment period.
  4. Click Save, or click Save and Add Another.


Advanced Options
Results are derived from data collected for other outcomes…

  1. Select Results are derived from data collected for other outcomes/goals/objectives.
  2. Select I will map this Outcome now.


  • If you choose later, see Assessment Planning: Outcome Mapping for more information.
  1. Select the organization and outcome type you wish to map to your outcome.
  2. Map your outcome with others by placing a checkmark next to the corresponding outcome(s).
  3. Click on Add Outcomes/Objectives/Goals.


Outcome Mapping

  1. Click on Advanced.
  2. For Start Date, please select the day you began you assessment period.
  3. Click Save, or click Save and Add Another.
  • Note:  The outcome title, optional description, and results options can always be edited/updated after initial creation. Simply navigate back to your desired outcome in Edit/Create and click into the link to make your changes.

outcomes4 (1).png

Advanced Options

Removing an Outcome Statement

We understand that sometimes editing your Outcomes means removing them from your plan. If this is something you are considering, it’s good to know about the options that you have:


Examples of how to change and remove your outcomes.

  • Changing the outcome language to better reflect your intended purpose in Edit/Create – Your collected data will stay in tact and the outcome will be available for reporting.
  • Deleting the outcome – If data has been collected for this outcome, it will be lost. For this reason, Tk20 does not advise deleting an outcome unless you have recently created it an know that it has not collected any data. Running Planning 001 is a good way to confirm if data has been collected or not.
    • To delete an outcome, select the checkbox by any created outcome and hit the Delete Selected option above it.
    • You will receive a warning about potential data loss. You can confirm your choice by selecting OK.
  • Disabling the outcome – This the best option for preserving previously collected data on an outcome that has become outdated or unnecessary to measure further. By disabling the outcome, you can hide it in future Assessment Periods and Reporting while being able to fetch it within the parameters in which it was assessed.
    • To disable an outcome, select the checkbox by any created outcome and hit the Disable Selected option above it.


Disabling Outcomes

  • The default disable date will be the present day, month, and year. This date determines in which Assessment Periods the disabled outcome and its associated data will populate in reporting.
    • For example, if your institution schedules Assessment Periods that begin on August 1 and end on July 31 of the following calendar year, an outcome disabled on September 14, 2016 will still report in an Assessment Period built for the 2016-2017 Year and all periods prior to that. It will not report for the 2017-2018 year and so on.
  • Change the date to your choice and then hit Save.
  • The outcome will now be hidden in the Assessment Planning Functionality. It can be seen in the Edit/Create screen by clicking the View Disabled Outcomes link.
  • After selecting View Disabled Outcomes, the outcome can then be Deleted or Enabled.

You can also refer to the video link: Building Outcomes

Happy Planning!

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