Creating an ADMISSIONS Application Template

Getting Started

Before you can create an Admissions Template, you need to create two forms: 

  • A form to use for the admissions application.
  • A form to serve as an admissions application review form (for reviewers).

You can create these two forms by clicking on Administration on the main navigation menu and going to Form Builder.

Once you create those two forms, you can proceed to begin creating your Admissions Template: 

  1. Click on Applications on the main navigation menu.
  2. Click on Admissions in the secondary menu.
  3. Click on Admissions Template Builder.
  4. Click on the Create New Admissions Template button.

Note: At any time while building your template, you can click on the gray Save button to save your changes and close the template builder. You will be able to return to finish later.

Step 1: Basic Information

  1. Enter basic information about your admissions template, including TitleDescription, and Instructions.
  2. Enter the Open Date Range for the application.
    • Add date range(s) by clicking on green plus sign. Multiple dates ranges may be useful if you plan to open this application at different points throughout the year.
    • Remove date range(s) by selecting the checkbox(es) next to the corresponding date range(s) you wish to remove and then click on the gray trash can icon.
  3. Select whether you want to allow submissions after the due date (the default is set to Yes).
  4. Select whether you want to be able to review the application and send feedback at any stage (the default is set to No
  5. In the Organizations section, click the gray Select button to open a modal where you can select which organization(s) can use your application.
  6. When you are finished, click on the green Next button to proceed to the next step.

Step 2: Admissions Application Forms and Checklist

    • Under Application Forms, use the green plus sign to add forms that you have already created with Form Builder to your admissions template. Note that you must add at least one form.
    • Under Checklists (Optional), use the green plus sign to add items to a checklist, such as transcripts, statement of purpose, or reference letters.


Adding Application Forms and Checklists 

  • When you are finished with this step, click on the green Next button to continue.

Step 3: Reviewers and Review Form

In the Reviewers and Review Forms section, click on the green plus sign to add a reviewer(s) to your application template. You can add a person or select by role with the pop-up tool tip:



  1. If selecting a person(s) for review, use the search parameters to filter through the list of users. When you have located the correct reviewer(s), use the checkbox(es) next to name(s) to select them. Scroll to the bottom of the screen to select all review forms to be included.
  2. Note that you can adjust the visibility of each form for the applicant. Selecting “Yes” will allow the applicant to see all of the form contents completed by the reviewer, and “No” will hide the contents:


Select Review Forms and Visibility 

  1. The process for adding reviewers by role is similar to the process described above for selecting a person. Select the appropriate role from the list and then the review form(s) at the bottom of the screen. Set the form visibility accordingly.
  2. When you are finished, click on the green Add button. Then you will see the reviewer(s) and form(s) displayed so you can verify your choices.
  3. To make any changes, such as adding or removing a review form, click on the name of the person/role. The page will refresh and allow you to easily make edits.
  4. To remove a person/role from the application template, select the check box next to the name of the role, and then the trash can icon above:


Deleting a Role 

Click on the green Next button at the bottom to continue to the final step.

Step 4: Review and Save

In this final step, you can review your admissions application template before finalizing it.

Note: any changes that you made to the template will take effect the next time an application opens. Your changes will not affect any currently open instances of the application.

You can also refer to the video link: Create Admission Application Template


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