Create a Budget Item
Budget Items provide users with a space to request funds for a variety of expenditures that can be directly linked to developed action items in your Strategic Plan!
1. Go to the Planning tab in the side menu and click on Strategic Planning in the top horizontal menu. Navigate to Action Planning and then Edit/Create.
2. Choose the appropriate organization and planning cycle from the Organizations and Planning Cycle drop down menus.
3. From the list of previously created action items, click on the action item for which you want to create a corresponding budget item.
4. Click on the Budget Items sub-tab; then click on Add New.
5. Complete the fields in the Add New Budget Item pop-up screen.
6. To add your budget item, click on Add New. To leave this screen without adding your budget item, click Cancel.
7. Click on the Save and Close button to save your budget item.
Budget Item Creation
You can also refer to the video link: Budget Administration