At any time during the multiple review process, the Reconciler is able to access the reviews and decide whether additional reviews are needed or whether the item is ready to be reconciled. Whether you begin from the Reviews to be Reconciled link of the home page Review area, or locate items on the Workspace Review grid, the Reconcile button changes the status of that item to "Reconciliation in Progress" and navigates you to the Review area for the selected submission.
Note: When a Reconcile Reviewer clicks a View/Edit link for an item on the Workspace Review grid, the Review screen to which he or she is navigated will also include reconciliation functionality. In such a case, if you decide that the item is Ready to Reconcile, even though the set number of reviews for that item has not been completed, all outstanding reviews (i.e. those not marked complete) will be suspended.
Just as when you are performing a Review, this area loads with the Review/Score tab selected by default. Other tabs in this area enable you to access the work submission (View Work) and the Review History. The left panel of the screen contains the buttons you will use to access the various functions of this screen.

On the Review Summary, each Score is annotated with the name of the Reporting Reviewer and the Date on which the Review was completed.
You can change this summary display to view the Review Summary with details (adding the Reviewers' comments), a Full Report for any one of the Reviewers or All Reviews with Full Reports. Once an item has been reconciled, you can also return to this area to view a Full Report for Reconciled Review, showing the final score together with any details of the reconciliation.
To change this display
- Select a filter option from the pull-down Show menu
- Click Go
Reconciliation Review Area Tasks
The left panel of this Review area contains a column of function buttons you can use to initiate Reconciliation and Review tasks.
At the top of that column is a message related to the current status of the submission (for example, the number of reviews performed and completed or, in the case of an already-reconciled item, that the work has already been reviewed and released to the Participating Area).
The date/time the Participating Area Submitted this item displays below the buttons.
The selection of buttons in the panel varies based on the current status of the submission as well as your permissions.
Several of the buttons in the left panel can be used to access the work in a version of the side-by-side review display that enables you to perform a Reconciliation.
Click... | To... |
Ready for Reconciliation | begin a new reconciliation |
Resume Reconciliation | return to a reconciliation begun during a previous work session but not completed |
Edit Review | edit one of your own completed reviews, prior to reconciliation |
Edit Reconciled Review | edit a completed reconciliation. This does not change the individual reviews upon which reconciliation was based. |
Other buttons enable tasks related to revision or cancellation.
Buttons at the bottom of the column in the left panel provide two approaches to printing the Review report. Both of these options print only the information that is currently visible (based on your selection from the pull-down Show menu)
Generate a print-ready version of the visible Review report and open on screen to send to your printer. | |
Save as PDF | Generate a PDF version of the visible Review report and open on screen in your PDF viewer. You can print this PDF or save to your computer. |