Add a File to a Review

Reviewers may have the ability to add a file to their reviews.  

Note: if the option does not display, your institution has decided not to use this feature for this particular workspace. This setting is made on a workspace-by-workspace basis.

The file can be shared with the Participating Areas and become a permanent part of the evaluation history and reports.  If work is sent back to the Participating Area and is subsequently reviewed again, additional files can be added.

 A maximum of three (3) files can be attached to any one Review. The total size of all files associated with a single Review cannot exceed 5MB.

To attach a file to a Review

  1. In the file section indicated on the Review page, click Browse.  The Browse File pop-up window loads.
  2. Locate your file and click Open.  The file populates the file field on the Review page.

A progress bar displays until the file upload is complete. While the upload is in progress, you can choose to Cancel at any point.

  1. In the Name field, enter a meaningful description (maximum 100 characters).  If you do not enter a name, the file name displays as the default.
  2. (Optional) Use the check box to indicate whether or not this file should be Visible to Participating Area (selected by default).

Reviewer added files ONLY appear for Participating Areas when the Visible to Participating Area checkbox is selected and after the Reviewer has recorded it as final and has released it to the Author OR the work is sent back as either a provisional review or sent back directly to the Participating Area for revision without a provisional.

In the Preview Review page, if a file has been set to Not Visible to the Participating Area then the file appears on reports with an indicator that the file is NOT visible to the Participating Area.

If you click on the Name, the file launches in its native format.  The type of file format is displayed to the right of the name.

  1. (Optional) To save the files to the review history, click Save Draft or Preview.
  2. To submit the review results to Participating Area, click Submit Evaluation Now.

Manage Attached Files

Any time you access this Review screen, you can view and manage the attached files:

If you want to...Then...
View the contents of an attached file,Click the File link. The file opens in its native format, as indicated by the file suffix (.doc, .docx, .xls, .jpg, .mp4, etc.)
Attach additional files to this Review,

Click the Add More button in the file area.

A new row appears at the bottom of the file list, and you can repeat the steps to attach a file

Remove an attached file from the list,Click the red X that displays to the right of the File link.
Rename a file,

Type over the old Name with your new text.

This changes the "Name" of the file in the Review attachment list. It does NOT affect the actual filename (as it appears in the link).

 Just as when you are initially adding files, any changes you make (additional files, deleted files, rename) are not saved to the Review until you choose to either Save DraftPreview orSubmit Review Now.


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