Strategic Planning Levels and Planning Periods
This section allows you to set up your institution’s Strategic Planning goals and the time periods in which you will collect data for your Strategic Plan. The top level goals defined under Planning Strategic Planning Strategic Planning Setup Nomenclature Levels.
Note: The bottom level goals will be entered by the units under Planning Strategic Planning Strategic Directions/Goals.
Create a New Strategic Plan
To create a new strategic plan:
1. Go to the Planning tab in the side menu, and then select Strategic Planning in the top horizontal menu. Next, navigate to Strategic Planning Setup in the drop down menu and then select Strategic Levels and Planning Periods.
2. Click the Add New button to create a new plan.
Defining A Strategic Planning Period
1. Enter a title and a start and end date for your plan. The Strategic Planning Time Span should encompass the entirety of your strategic plan.
Defining Strategic Planning Periods and Planning Cycles
2. Planning Cycles are optional and will allow you to collect data at intervals within your strategic plan. If no cycles are specified, the default cycle will be equal to the Strategic Planning Time Span entered above.
a. Enter a start and end date for your planning cycle.
Note: Planning Cycle timespans cannot overlap.
b. To add additional planning cycles click the green plus next to Add another planning cycle.
3. When you are finished adding Planning Cycles, click on Next.
Creating Strategic Levels
1. To add a top tier goal/direction/initiative to your strategic plan, click Add a New Strategic Goal.
2. Type in your goal/direction/initiative text and press enter.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to add the rest of your top tier goals/directions/initiatives.
Strategic Level Creation – Strategic Directions and Goals
4. To add sub goals/outcomes/objectives to any of the top tier goals, click the green plus next to the top tier goal.
5. Type in your goal text and press enter.
6. Repeat this pattern until all of the top level institutional goals are in place.
7. To delete a direction/goal/objective, click the red minus sign next to the goal.
8. Click the Save button.
Note: The bottom level goals, or the goals for which you will collect data, will be added under the side menu item Strategic Directions/Goals.
Make Your Plan Active
You can set up your Strategic Levels and Planning Periods at one time, or you may save your plan and come back to it at another time. When you are ready for other users to begin adding their supporting Goals/Outcomes/Objectives the strategic plan and begin collecting data, you will need to make your plan active.
1. To activate your plan, click on the radio button located next to the plan you would like to make active under the Active column at Strategic Planning Setup Strategic Levels and Planning Periods.
2. Click on the Save button.
Note: Only one Strategic Plan can be active at a time.