Strategic Planning: Strategic Planning Nomenclature


This section allows for you to edit specific language within Strategic Planning. There are 4 sub-tabs within the Nomenclature section: LevelsAction Items, Results and Analysis, and Budget Items.


Strategic Planning Nomenclature tabs

To access Nomenclature go to Planning in the side menu  Strategic Planning in the top horizontal menu Strategic Planning Setup  Nomenclature.



This section is used to define the nomenclature given to the levels within your strategic plan. The top levels represent the institutional strategic plan, while the bottommost level represents the supporting outcomes/goals of other units within your institution. Data will be gathered and connected to this bottommost level. 

Strategic Direction (Institution)  Strategic Goal (Institution)  Strategic Objective (Unit) 

1. Access the Planning tab, and then select Strategic Planning Setup  Nomenclature under Strategic Planning in the side menu.

2. Three levels appear by default:

a) Change the default text to the nomenclature that matches the language used at your institution by editing the text in the text box.

b) To add an additional level click the green plus or the hyperlink, “Add another level.”

c) Click Reset to Tk20 Defaults to restore nomenclature to the defaults.

d) Click the Save button.

Action Items

1. Click on the Action Items sub-tab.

2. Action Item Terms

a. Set the default terminology of Action Item by replacing the text in the text box.

3. Action Item Status

a. Set the default status of Complete, Not Complete or Not Pursued by replacing the text in the text box.

b. You can add a new level of terminology by clicking the Add New button.

c. You can delete a level of terminology by checking the box next to that term and clicking the Delete button. Please note: The bottommost level cannot be deleted.

4. Action Item Priority

a. Change the default values for status by replacing the text in the text box. The default values are High, Medium and Low.

b. You can add a new level of terminology by clicking the Add New button.

c. You can delete a level of terminology by checking the box next to that term and clicking the Delete button. Please note: The second level cannot be deleted.

Results and Analysis

1. Click on the Results and Analysis sub-tab.

2.. Goal Status

a. Change the default values for goal status by replacing the text in the text box. The default values are Met, Not Met and Partially Met.

b. You can add a new level of terminology by clicking the Add New button.

c. You can delete a level of terminology by checking the box next to that term and clicking the Delete button. Please note: The third level cannot be deleted.

6. Click the Save button.

Budget Items

1. Click the Budget Items sub-tab.

2. Priority

a. Set the default terminology of Priority by replacing the text in the text box.

b. List Items

i. Edit the List Items by clicking on the gray edit button.

1. The default values are High, Medium and Low.

2. You can add a new level of terminology by clicking the Add New button.

3. You can delete a level of terminology by checking the box next to that term and clicking the Delete button. Please note: The second level cannot be deleted.

4. Click the Save button.

3. Request Type

a. Set the default terminology of Request Type by replacing the text in the text box.

b. List Items

i. Edit the List Items by clicking on the gray edit button.

1. Default values for heading and values exist in the system. You can edit the values by altering the text in the text boxes.

2. Delete values or headings by clicking the red minus sign.

3. You can add a new heading by clicking Add a Heading at the bottom of the pop up.

4. Add values under a heading by clicking Add a Value under the respective heading.

5. Click the Save button.

4. Budget Item Approval Status

a. Set the default budget approval status by replacing the text in the current text boxes. The default values are Approved, Denied and Suspended.

b. You can add a new level of terminology by clicking the Add New button.

c. You can delete a level of terminology by checking the box next to that term and clicking the Delete button.

Please note: The value for approved will be calculated into the total during the approval process. Values for Denied and Suspended will not calculate into an approved budget request.

5. Click the Save button.

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