Assessment Planning: Completing a Juried Assessment

Getting Started

As a juror, you may access the juried assessments in several ways: 

+From the Home Page
+From Tasks
+From Planning

Viewing Artifacts / Observations

  • For Observations, only a description will be provided on the left-hand side of the screen.
  • If the student has submitted a Tk20 artifact (Coursework & Portfolios option), it will be displayed on the left side of the screen.


Assessing an Artifact as a part of Coursework or Portfolio 

  • If the administrator has uploaded a file, you may click on Download to save it to your computer, or you can click on View and Annotate to open the document in your internet browser.


Download or Annotate a File Upload

Assessing Artifacts / Observations

  1. Complete the assessment by selecting the radio button for each criterion within the traditional rubric, as well as any additional questions.
  2. After you have completed the assessment tool(s), choose one of the following actions:
  • Save Draft: save work and return at a later time
  • Submit: submit the assessment
  • Submit Next: submit the assessment and move to the next student
  • Cancel without Saving: exit the assessment tool without saving any changes


  • If available, comments may be left for each criterion within the score column of the rubric.


Optional – Comments per Criterion

You can also refer to the video link: JA Construction 3 of 4: Assessing a Juried Submission

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