Getting Started
As a juror, you may access the juried assessments in several ways:
+From the Home Page
+From Tasks
+From Planning
Viewing Artifacts / Observations
- For Observations, only a description will be provided on the left-hand side of the screen.
- If the student has submitted a Tk20 artifact (Coursework & Portfolios option), it will be displayed on the left side of the screen.
Assessing an Artifact as a part of Coursework or Portfolio
- If the administrator has uploaded a file, you may click on Download to save it to your computer, or you can click on View and Annotate to open the document in your internet browser.
Download or Annotate a File Upload
Assessing Artifacts / Observations
- Complete the assessment by selecting the radio button for each criterion within the traditional rubric, as well as any additional questions.
- After you have completed the assessment tool(s), choose one of the following actions:
- Save Draft: save work and return at a later time
- Submit: submit the assessment
- Submit Next: submit the assessment and move to the next student
- Cancel without Saving: exit the assessment tool without saving any changes
- If available, comments may be left for each criterion within the score column of the rubric.
Optional – Comments per Criterion
You can also refer to the video link: JA Construction 3 of 4: Assessing a Juried Submission