Assessment Planning: Creating a Juried Assessment Template

Getting Started: General Information

  1. Click Planning in the side menu.
  2. From the horizontal menu at the top of your screen, click Assessment Planning.
  3. Click Juried Assessments.
  4. Click Edit/Create Templates.
  5. Click add new to create a new report template.

Step 1: Enter Basic Information

  1. Enter a name for the template. This can be a generic name, excluding specific course numbers or terms, as the template can be used multiple times for the current and subsequent semesters. When you send a Juried Assessment based on a template, you will have a chance to name the instance for better organization.


Define Assessment Type 

  1. Enter a Description (optional).
  2. Define your assessment type.
    1. Artifact Upload: The student artifact will be individual files manually uploaded into the system.
    2. Observation: The assessment will be based on an observation, interview, or other interaction with the student. No artifacts will be uploaded.
    3. Coursework: The students have submitted coursework within Tk20.
    4. Portfolio: The students have submitted a portfolio within Tk20.
  3. Click Next.


  • Coursework and Portfolios are collected in Tk20.
  • Artifacts in this context refer to files uploaded by the Juried Assessment Administrator.
  • Observations in this context are not related to the Observation functionality in Courses.

Step 2: Create Assessment Jury Pool

  1. Click on add new to add potential jurors (i.e., assessors) to your jury pool.
  2. Search for your desired jurors.
  3. Place a checkmark in the box next to each user you want to add, then click Add.
  4. Select the assessment tool you want to use for assessing the student work.


Assessment Jury Pool 

  1. Choose your assessments:
    1. If you previously selected ArtifactsCoursework, or Portfolios from Step 1: Enter Basic Information, now you will be prompted to assess all artifacts uploaded or a random sample of those artifacts.
    2. If you previously selected Observations from Step 1: Enter Basic Information, now you will be prompted to enter the number of students to be assessed.
  2. Choose the number of assessors who will review each artifact/observation:
    1. Up to four (4) assessors can review each artifact/observation.
    2. If two (2) or four (4) assessors is selected, you will also be prompted to include a tie-breaking assessment.
  3. Click Next.


Additional Information

Step 3: Review and Finish

  1. Review your selections, then mark the template active.
  2. Click Save.  You can also refer to the video link:


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