Workspace Review Grid

For the Workspace you selected, the Workspace Review grid displays the categories and requirements with statuses for each Participating Area that meets your search criteria. The same basic grid display is used whether you have accessed the page as a Reviewer (from the View and Review Submissions link) or as a Review Manager (from the Manage Reviews link).

Certain Statuses, and the related tasks and features, display only if you are a Review Manager.

Use the pull-down Show menu to select whether you want to display All Participating Areas or limit the display to ONLY Participating Areas with items awaiting Review.

If you have accessed the grid as a Review Manager, you can also opt to filter for ONLY Participating Areas with items awaiting reconciliation or ONLY Participating Areas with items awaiting release.

You have the option to include inactive subscribers. These are Participating Areas who have an expired account.

If you change the Show setting or the Inactive subscriber filter, click Update Display to refresh your screen.

What's on the Review grid?

Each row of the Review grid represents a single Participating Area, which is identified in the first column. The remainder of the columns display the review status of work submissions. Check boxes at the top of the first column enable you to display or conceal optional types of information in these columns. While the default setting for this grid is Show All template areas (one per column), you can filter the display to show only a single template area. 
show mouseover, show descriptions, show release

To filter this display for only one template area

  • Select any template area of this Workspace from the pull-down menu of the Show All field
  • Click the Go button to refresh the grid

The new grid display will include only the column of submissions for that area.

The boxes below the Show All field can be checked to display or conceal:

Mouseover Tips - a special tooltip feature that enables you to hover your mouse over any cell of the grid and view the related Participating Area, Workspace program area and status.

 When scrolling through a large grid, Mouseover Tips provide quick access to the identifying information stored in the first column and the column headers, which may temporarily be out of view.

Area Descriptions - display the Workspace area title descriptor (from the template) together with the Title in the column header.

and/or Release Options (enabled by default and described in the Tasks section of this Help topic).


Icons identify the status of work in each category for each Participating Area. Each item is also annotated with the date of the most recent action, the score (if the item has been reviewed) and, where applicable, a link or button that you can use to execute a related task.
Status Icon Definition
Work in Progress A Participating Area has begun adding work to a Requirement.
Submitted A Participating Area has submitted work for review.
Needs Revision A Reviewer has reviewed the work and has sent it back for revision.
Resubmitted A Participating Area has revised and resubmitted the Requirement that was sent back for revision.
Review in Progress A Reviewer has begun the review process, but has not marked it as final. When multiple reviews are required, this status indicates that at least one is currently in progress.
Reviewed A Participating Area’s work has been reviewed and given a score, but results have not been released to the Participating Area.
Review Released Submitted work has been reviewed and the results have been released to the Participating Area.

If any of the requirements require multiple reviews, there are additional statuses.


You can print or export the information in the Workspace Review grid.


Tasks Performed from the Workspace Review Grid

The tasks available from the Review grid vary based on the Status of the submission and the permissions that have been assigned to you for this Workspace.

Review an individual work submission

Each Review button indicates that the Participating Area has submitted the category or requirement in that column for review.

This button does not appear if the Participating Area has not begun work on that template area.

To learn how to Review work submitted by a Participating Area, See "Review Submitted Work"

Call Back work sent back for revision

If you have sent work back for revision, click Call Back to immediately resume review of the work.

View or Edit a completed review

If you are a Review Manager, you can make changes to reviews that have already been released back to Participating Areas. If the review has not yet be released, the original Reviewer can make edits.

Release one or more reviews to Participating Areas

If you are a Review Manager you can simultaneously release reviews of submitted work back to Participating Areas directly from the Review grid.  

  1. Enable this feature by checking the Show Release Options box (at the top of the first column of this grid). The screen refreshes to display checkboxes and a function button that enables you to perform this task.
  2. Select the items you want to release
    • To release ALL submissions for a specific Participating Area (e.g. all items in a single row) 
      check the Release all for area box below that Participating Area's name in the first column of the grid
    • To release ALL submissions for a specific Template Area (e.g. all items in a single column) 
      check the Release all for area box below that template area label in the column heading.
  3. Click the Release Selected Review(s) button at the top of the grid. All checked items are released back to their Participating Areas.
Reconcile a Review (Reconcile Reviewers only)

Depending on the current status of the work submission a Reconcile button and/or a View/Edit link display on the grid for any template area where work has started.

The Reconcile button does not display unless ALL required Reviews have been performed.

Both of these navigate to the Review area where, depending on the status of the work submission and the permissions assigned to you, different tools display.

If you want to.... For items with any of these Status values Then,
Reconcile an item for which all reviews have been completed, Ready for Reconciliation

Click the Reconcile button to navigate to the Review area and begin performing the reconciliation.

Resume a reconciliation you previously began but did not complete, Reconciliation in Progress Click the Reconcile button to navigate to the Review area and Resume Reconciliation.
Begin reconciliation, even if the required number of reviews have NOT been completed,



 More Reviews Required

Click the View/Edit link to navigate to the Review area and begin performing the reconciliation.

If you proceed with reconciliation, any OUTSTANDING reviews will be SUSPENDED.

Edit a previously reconciled review, Complete

Click the View/Edit link to navigate to the Review area and Edit Reconciled Review.

This does not change the individual reviews upon which reconciliation was based.

Cancel a previously reconciled review,  Complete

Click the View/Edit link to navigate to the Review area and Cancel Reconciled Review.

The individual reviews upon which reconciliation was based remain and can be used to reconcile the submission again.

Cancel ALL reviews,

 More Reviews Required

Ready for Reconciliation
Click the View/Edit link to navigate to the Review area and Cancel All Reviews
Send item back to Participating Area for revision, anything other than "Work in Progress"

Click the View/Edit link to navigate to the Review area and Send Back for Revision.

If you proceed with sending the item back, ALL REVIEWS including the Reconcile Review will be cancelled.

Arbitrate your reconciliation by getting additional reviews,

Ready for Reconciliation

Reconciliation in Progress

Click the View/Edit link to navigate to the Review area and Call for Additional Reviews


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