Store File Fields

Access to this product feature is dependent on your institution's Watermark agreement
Base | Faculty Accomplishments | Reviews, Promotion and Tenure | Web Profiles

Files can be associated with records in Faculty Success. This enables your campus to report activity data and supporting documentation together to provide a more complete picture of the activities in which your faculty members are involved.


By default, Store File fields are on the following screens in Faculty Success:

  • Personal and Contact Information
  • Education
  • Scheduled Teaching
  • Contracts, Fellowships, Grants and Sponsored Research
  • Intellectual Contributions
  • Presentations

Store File fields can be added or removed to align with your campus' needs for documentation to supplement faculty activity data. To make changes to the Store File fields in Faculty Success, simply submit Screen Revision(s) work request noting the modifications that Faculty Success should make.

File Type Restrictions

Faculty Success does not place any restrictions on the types of files that can be stored by default. However, specific file types may be either blocked or allowed. For example, you could choose to block just MP3 and EXE files or allow only DOC, DOCX and PDF files. To configure file restrictions for Faculty Success, submit a General work request noting the requirements.

Note: File type restrictions apply to all screens in your data collection instrument; we cannot implement them on a screen-by-screen basis.

Maximum File Size

The maximum file size is 100MB per file. This attribute may not be modified.

Retrieving Stored Files

Once a file has been stored, authorized users can retrieve it in a variety of ways:

  • Retrieve a file from the data collection screen where the file was stored

    To do this, all a user needs to do is navigate to the record where the file was stored and click Download. A user will always be able to access their own files this way. In addition, a user in a security role with access to the Manage Data utility will be able to retrieve the files stored for the users within the scope of his security.

  • Retrieve a file through a link in an ad hoc report that are not in CSV format

    Links to any files stored through a given Store File field will be included in an ad hoc report, as long as the field is included in those selected for the report in Step 3: Select the data to include through the "Create a new report" feature in Run Reports. If we have setup the Store File field as hidden, the field and links will only be included in an ad hoc report if the user has the Show Hidden Data option enabled for the security role that grants them access to the "Create a new report" feature in Run Reports.

    Note: It is possible to disable the inclusion of links to stored files in ad hoc reports. If you do this, the ad hoc report will still display the file name of the file stored, but will not include a retrieval link. To have this feature disabled submit a General work request noting this.

  • Retrieve a file through a link in a custom report that are not in Excel format

    You can have custom report built to include links to files stored through specific Store File fields like "Full-text of this item". If we have built a custom report this way, a link to each file stored through that field by a user will be included whenever you run the report for that user's data. 

    How this would appear within the report is there would be a blue hyperlink for each stored document. The link would be clicked on and the file would be downloaded from clicking within the report, you don’t need to actually be in the screens themselves. Just a note that access to stored documents is also driven by security access, so if you emailed the report to someone and they clicked on the link to download the stored document, they would need to be logged in to Faculty Success and they would need to have security access to that user. This prevents the reports from being accessed by anyone.

    Some universities do want to use this functionality for other peer reviewers with faculty roles however. So in case that is of interest, we can create a custom security role that would allow faculty to access this report for other faculty- and only this report and attached documents, they would not be able to see anything else. To update a custom report to include a link to files stored through a Store File field, submit a Report Revision(s) work request noting where to display this link in your report.

Note: It is not currently possible to include the content of the stored file, like a image, graph or photo directly in the body of a report.

Access to Stored Files

A user's Faculty Success security assignment governs the files to which he or she has access. In order to verify that a user retrieving a file has a security assignment that grants access to the file requested, he or she will need to have an active session for Faculty Success, in their default browser. If the user is not logged in, we will prompt them to authenticate.

Here are some details on the permissions that can grant a user access to a stored file.

Table 3: Access to Stored Files

Utility Description of File Access
Manage Activities Grants a user access to his or her own files.
Manage Data Grants a user access to the files stored for the users within his or her scope of security. The scope could grant access to one or more individuals, departments, colleges, or all users for your campus.
Create a New Report (formerly Run an Ad Hoc Report) Grants a user access to the files stored for users within his or her scope of security.
Run Reports (formerly Run Custom Reports) Grants a user access to the files specifically referenced in the custom reports to which the user has access, for the users within his or her scope of security.
File Download Role Grants a user access to files stored for any user. For more information on this role, see Common Additional Security Roles. 


If you are interested in making files stored through Faculty Success publicly accessible, consider putting the Mirrored Files feature in place. For more information, see Mirrored Files.

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