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The following table shows the available field types in Faculty Success. You can add Help Buttons, which open a pop-up window with content written by your institution, to any field. We cannot add Help Buttons to the Main Menu or to summary screens.
Field Types in Alphabetical Order
Field Type |
Example |
Purpose |
Checkbox List |
This field consists of boxes that can be checked or cleared to select or unselect a values. More than one value can be selected. For more information on this field and how to update it's values, see Checkboxes and Drop-Down Lists. |
Single Checkbox |
This field consists of one box that can be checked or cleared to select or unselect a value. This field is typically used to confirm a selection or to opt to display a record in directory. For more information on this field and how to update it's values, see Checkboxes and Drop-Down Lists. |
Date |
A combination of month, day, term, or year fields. The Date field enables users to enter a date by picking the month or term from a drop-down list, and/or typing the day and year into the field that follow the validation rules which requires that the value entered be a numerical value. For more information, see Date Fields. |
Drop-Down List |
List of predefined values from which users can select only one value. The drop-down list ensures data integrity and consistency, and limits input values to those designated by your campus. All drop down lists have type ahead functionality available, allowing users to see a list of pre-defined options as they input data. Drop-down fields are commonly used when selecting the department, position/rank, and academic year. For more information on this type of field and updating its list of predefined values, see Checkboxes and Drop-Down Lists. |
Dynamic Sub-Answer (DSA) |
Enables user to create multiple sub-records within a record. Enables users to associate one record with multiple sub-records. This is helpful when associating multiple contributors with Intellectual Contribution records. For more information, see Dynamic Sub-Answers (DSAs). |
Numeric |
Numerical values with validation rules: integers, decimals, percentages or currency. Numerical value fields are commonly used to capture credit hours, number of undergraduate students advised and teaching workload percentage. |
Phone Number |
Stores integers in a phone number format. |
Radio Button |
Selects the text of the field label as the response for the record. Mutually Exclusive of other response options. This field type is commonly used to collect responses using a Likert scale and as compliance options for Conflict of Interest screens. |
Record Reference |
List of records entered by the user in another screen from which the user can select only one value. You can choose to display values from one or more fields within this reference drop-down field. Creates an association between two records, so this field type can be used by users' to associate their intellectual contributions with presentations and user-defined goals with objectives. For more information, see Record Reference. |
Store File |
Store a file to supplement activity data. Creates a central repository of files such as photographs, syllabi, full-texts of intellectual contributions and presentation files related to teaching, research and service. For more information, including restricted file types, refer to Store File Fields. |
Text Area |
Multiple lines of up to 20,000 characters that allow users' to add text such as a brief biography, description of pedagogical innovations and brief description of responsibilities. At this time, additional formatting options cannot be added to this field type. |
Text Box |
Single line of characters. Commonly used to include the title of an article, course names, name of a sponsoring organization or web address in a record. |
Time |
Stores integers in a time format. This is useful when needing to record course time or office hours. |
User Reference |
This field is a search box that displays the names of users in your Faculty Success instance. The creator of a record (also known as the record owner) can utilize this field to include users from your instance in their record. This field is commonly used to add other users from your Faculty Success instance as authors, presenters, instructors, or inventors in a record that the record owner is creating. When this field is added to an activity screen in your instance, you should specify whether the creator of the record or all users included in the record should have the ability to edit or delete the record that was created by the record owner. For additional information on how this field works, see User Reference. |
Yes/No |
Drop-down list field with only yes and no values. This field is used to answer a yes/no question and can typically be used to determine whether the course is a new preparation, if the faculty is on tenure track, or if they are on leave. For more information on drop-down list fields, see Checkboxes and Drop-Down Lists. |
Text Area Features
This section reviews functionality for text areas within the Activity Screens (Faculty Accomplishments). Features available to text areas in Faculty Accomplishments and Reviews, Promotion and Tenure may differ due to requirements for reporting solutions. To learn about the text area features for Reviews, Promotion and Tenure, see How to Configure Workflow Forms.
Character Limits
A 20,000 character limit (character, not words) is enforced on text areas within activity screens. You can see this by downloading the Configuration Report and looking at the Max column. You could always request to have this setting customized and choose something less than 20,000 characters through a Screen Revision Work Request that includes:
- The title of the activity screen where the text field(s) you wish to modify are located.
- The label and field code of the text field(s) you wish to modify. The code for a field can be retrieved by downloading the Configuration Report.
- A description and reason for the requested change.
Once the work request is received, it will be reviewed and further updates will be provided through the work request. For more information on this type of request, see Submitting Screen-Revision Work Requests.
Note: For existing data, a field does not allow you to go beyond the text limit, so copying/pasting text into a field that exceeds the limit will fail the copy. In addition, you need to clear the field before you do a paste if you’ve hit the limit, it does not replace and then the delete, so you will hit the limit on a paste if there is text in the field and you are close to the limit. |
Links cannot be added directly to text areas alongside other text. Instead, links should be captured within their own designated text box field, which can be added to an activity screen through a Screen Revision Work Request. Please include the following details in your request:
- The title of the activity screen where you wish to add the text box field.
- Specify where the text bo field should be placed on the activity screen.
- A description and reason for the requested addition.
Once the work request is received, it will be reviewed and further updates will be provided through the work request. For more information on this type of request, see Submitting Screen-Revision Work Requests.
Note: If you require links to appear as active links in reports generated in Faculty Success, ensure that the links captured in the text box field are included at the end of a citation style that is being utilized in a report. For instructions on requesting new citations or updating citation styles for your reports, see Requesting a New Report Citation. |
Images cannot be added to text areas, rather they should be added to Store File Fields.