Summary Screens

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When you select a dynamic screen from the main menu of the Activities or Manage Data utilities, a summary screen table displays all the records entered for the user on that screen.

Screen_Shot_2022-09-29_at_4.01.18_PM.pngSummary screen table for Presentations.

The above screen shot outlines the various features available on a Summary Screen:

  1. Search: Enables you to search for records containing the contents of the search field. All records, which reference the search contents in any field, will continue to display on the summary screen once you have entered a search.
  2. Delete: The trash can icon will be grayed out until you have selected one or more records. Once you have selected at least one record, click this button to delete the selections from the list of activities.
  3. Duplicate: Select any entry from the summary table and click Duplicate to open the record editor for a new activity containing the content of the selected entry. This is most useful when creating an activity which is similar to one which has already been entered.
  4. Compare: Select two or more activities to compare information and merge into a single entry (resolve duplicates). Click here for more information.
  5. Add New: Enables users with access to add new records for the specific screen.
  6. Select Columns: Users can select which columns they want to see based on the data entry or data review task at hand. The user's column selections persist from session to session, so they can effectively set their own preferred views for each activity screen.
    • The column settings selected by someone who can only manage their own activities only apply to them.
    • If a user is managing data on behalf of someone else and adjusts the column settings, they will not replace the preferences set by that person they're managing data for, but they will travel with that person managing data, effectively becoming their preferred Manage Data summary screen columns for the given activity type.
  7. Sort/Filter: Users can click on a column header to sort or filter by that column. Use the arrows or scroll to see additional column headers for review, sorting, or filtering.

Each line on the summary screen display truncates at sixty characters. The truncation technically occurs to summary display lines, not to fields. This is an important distinction if multiple fields display on the same line. If a field contains a line break, the line break carries through to the summary screen and the truncation occurs after we consider the line break.

Note: We determine the availability of the Add New, Compare, Duplicate and Delete functions on the Summary Screen based on whether there are one or more read-only, hidden, or locked fields on the screen, and whether we have put an override in place to allow users to add and delete records. For more information, see Screen, Field and Data Settings.

Default Sort Order

Summary screens display records in reverse chronological, alphabetical order, based on the activity's end date, start date, and summary screen text. This is true regardless of which dates, if any, are actually visible on the summary screen. We display records without dates at the top of the summary screen in alphabetical order. For more information about record dates, see Dates.

Additional Customization

Customization should always be aimed at making data entry easier for users. There are a couple of options available to administrators to facilitate consistent and simplified data entry. Top-level administrators are able to configure the options below.

Column Defaults

Each summary screen supports default settings, which are the set of columns which appear when a user first visits the activity summary screen. These columns will appear for a user until they select their own column preferences. For more information on configuring this feature, see Database Configuration

Instructional Text

Instructional text can be added to the summary screen to describe the purpose. You may include hyperlinks or minor text formatting such as bold and italics.

Screenshot 2023-05-02 at 4.01.51 PM.png

To add or revise summary text for a screen, submit a Screen Revision(s) work request. To set summary text for multiple screens at once, we encourage providing a csv or excel worksheet in the following format:

Screen Name Summary Text
Awards and Honors This screen captures awards and honors (or nominations for the same), where what's notable is not the associated dollar amount (if there is any), but the award itself, relative to the faculty member's work.
... ...

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