Bulk File Imports

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In cases where it makes sense to store files for your users in Faculty Success, you can submit a properly labeled ("Bulk File Import for Screen X") General work request to have us bulk upload files (when there are 20 or more records to be updated) on your behalf. If files are already stored and available in another system, we recommend storing file links instead.

PLEASE NOTE: Before attempting to submit a Bulk File Import work request, you should be comfortable formatting CSVs for import. Your CSV file for a bulk file import will follow the same format.

What you need to provide

To be considered actionable, your work request must contain the following:

  1. A ZIP file containing all the files to be loaded--this ZIP file must be structured as outlined below
  2. A CSV file containing all the relevant primary key or record ID data AND the name of the file to be loaded, exactly as it appears in the ZIP file

How to structure your ZIP file

Your ZIP file should contain a folder for every user account that needs a file loaded. The name of the folder should be the relevant user's username in lower case (regardless of username case in the system). See the attached sample ZIP file below for an example.

How to structure your CSV file

Your CSV file should be structured like a regular CSV file to be loaded in a data import. You should provide (1) the username, (2) all primary key fields (or the record ID) to match the relevant records, and (3) the name of the file in the ZIP to be loaded in a column bearing the code of the file upload question to which the file should be loaded.

See the attached sample CSV file below for an example, and this article for more information on how to prepare your CSV file for import.

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