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You may encounter error messages when using the CSV Data Import tool. Below is a list of the errors. Expand each error message for additional information and tips for resolving the error.
Detailed error message: The values expected for this field are "true" and "false". Please revise your data import file to use these values and resubmit.
This error commonly occurs with checkbox fields. A checked field is “TRUE” and an unchecked field is “FALSE” or blank.
Steps to Resolve
Use the Find and Replace tool in Excel to update the values in your data file to either TRUE or FALSE.
Detailed error message: This field requires each value to be provided as an integer or a decimal. Please revise your data import file to modify these values and resubmit. If this field should instead be converted to allow all types of characters, please note that below and proceed to submit this as a Data Import Work Request once you have addressed any other validation issues.
This error often occurs for scheduled teaching records when a course number contains a letter, but the field type does not allow for anything other than a number.
Steps to Resolve
Review the values in your data file for this field to ensure they are all numeric values. Update as needed or submit a separate Screen Revision work request to change the field type to allow for any character. When that is completed, proceed to import the file.
Detailed error message: Please review your Configuration Report, linked to above, to see the values currently in place for this question. If appropriate, please update the file to use those predefined values and resubmit. Otherwise please note below that these new values should be added to the system.
A value in the import file doesn’t match the options that are available in the drop down list for that field.
Steps to Resolve
Check your Configuration Report to determine the allowable values for this field. Keep in mind that the values in your data import file must match the options in your Configuration Report exactly.
Review the values in your data file for this field to ensure that the value is spelled correctly.
Update as needed or submit a separate Screen Revision work request to revise the dropdown options. When that is completed, proceed to import the file.
Detailed error message: This field requires each value to be provided as a whole number. Please revise your data import file to modify these values and resubmit. If this field should instead be converted to allow all types of characters, please note that below and proceed to submit this as a Data Import Work Request once you have addressed any other validation issues.
Your field only allows for whole numbers and the import file has values with decimals.
Steps to Resolve
Review the values in your data file for this field to ensure they are all whole numbers.
Update as needed or submit a separate Screen Revision work request with instructions to change the field type to decimals or other types of characters. When that is completed, proceed to import the file.
Detailed error message: Please revise your data import file to include only values that respect this length requirement. If this field should instead be modified to change or remove the length requirement, please note that below and proceed to submit this as a Data Import Work Request once you have addressed any other validation issues.
Your field has a limit to the number of characters it can hold.
Steps to Resolve
Check your Configuration Report to determine the minimum and maximum number of characters for this field.
Review the values in your data file for this field to ensure they are all within the allowable range.
Update as needed or submit a separate Screen Revision work request with instructions to change the allowable range. When that is completed, proceed to import the file.
Excel tips for updating your file:
- Use the LEN() function to count the number of characters in a value.
Error: 'Multiple columns were found with the same code'
Detailed error message: Multiple columns were found with the same code. Update your file to ensure that column headers are unique.
This error can occur if you accidentally include a field twice in a data import file.
Steps to Resolve
Review the columns in your data file to ensure there are no duplicated columns.
Detailed error message: Please revise your data import file to include only values in this range for this field. If this field should instead be modified to change or remove the range requirement, please note that below and proceed to submit this as a Data Import Work Request once you have addressed any other validation issues.
Your field has a required minimum or maximum value.
Steps to Resolve
Check your Configuration Report to determine the allowable range for this field.
Review the values in your data file for this field to ensure they are all within the allowable range.
Update as needed or submit a separate Screen Revision work request with instructions to change the allowable range. When that is completed, proceed to import the file.
Detailed error message: Please provide a column in your file for all required fields. Note that Primary Key fields are always required.
When a screen has a primary key set, you must include all of the fields that make up that primary key in the import file. This is to ensure the imported data does not result in duplicated records.
Steps to Resolve
Review Step 3 of the data import submission process to see the list of fields that make up the primary key.
Check your data import file to ensure that each of those primary key fields is included.
Detailed error message: Please provide a column in your file for all required fields. Note that Primary Key fields are always required.
We're unable to update records without Primary Key fields or Record IDs. Please provide Record IDs or submit a work request to set a Primary Key on this screen. This error occurs if you select the option to update current records for a screen without a primary key identified.
Steps to Resolve
Submit a separate Screen Revision work request to create a primary key for the screen.
If you believe that the screen should not have a primary key, you may be able to run an Export Data report to pull data from this screen and use the Record ID for each row you want to update in the data import file.
Detailed error message: A duplicate destination record means that the information in your data import file matches more than a single record in Faculty Success based on the primary key (all the fields used to uniquely identify records) for this screen. We recommend editing your existing data within Faculty Success to correct these duplicates before attempting to import this file. This will ensure that we can match each record in the file to a single record in the system. Alternatively, you could remove these affected records from the data import file and resubmit, dealing with these duplicates and data updates at a later point in time.
This error occurs if a record in your data file matches more than one record in your system based on the primary key.
This error could be received if you did not include all the primary key fields for an import
Steps to Resolve
Review Step 3 of the data import submission process to see the list of fields that make up the primary key.
Check your data import file to ensure that each of those primary key fields is included.
Review the data in your system to ensure that no duplicates currently exist based on primary key.
Detailed error message: These records are considered duplicates of other records in your data import file because they have identical values for their primary key for this screen (all the fields used to uniquely identify records) or Record ID. Please correct or remove the duplicate records from the data import file and resubmit.
This error indicates that you have more than one row in your data file for which all the primary key values are identical.
Note that the records may not be completely identical. This error simply indicates that the primary key fields are identical.
Steps to Resolve
Review your data file to find the duplicate values and correct or remove these records.
If records are not duplicates and changes are needed to the primary key, submit a separate Screen Revision work request indicating necessary changes. When that is completed, proceed to import the file.
Excel tips for updating your file:
- Use the Excel formula CONCATENATE() and conditional formatting to find the duplicates.
Detailed error message: You chose to update existing records, but we were unable to find a match in the system. If these should be created as new records, please modify your choice in the previous step. Otherwise please remove these records from your data import file and resubmit. If a Primary Key should be added to this screen, or the existing Primary Key should be modified, let us know which fields should be used and click "Submit Data Import Work Request".
When you choose to update existing records, they system uses the primary key fields to match those records. If no match can be found, this error will result.
Steps to Resolve
Review your file to determine if you should be creating new records, rather than updating existing records.
If you should be only updating records, review Step 3 of the data import submission process to see the list of fields that make up the primary key and check your file to ensure that all of these fields are included.
If there are no primary key fields, you may still be able to update the records by running an ad hoc report and using the Record ID in the data import. If you feel the screen should have a primary key field or fields added, submit the data import work request and indicate this, including which fields should be utilized.
Detailed error message: Updating existing records to contain the data provided will result in these records becoming duplicates of other existing records in the system based on the primary key (all the fields used to uniquely identify records) for this screen. We recommend reviewing your existing data within Faculty Success to confirm that you are updating the correct record, or to determine if modifications are needed for other existing records to ensure that this import does not create duplicates. Alternatively, you could remove these affected records from the data import file and resubmit, dealing with these duplicates and data updates at a later point in time. If you instead need to modify the primary key, please note the changes needed below and proceed to submit this as a Data Import Work Request once you have addressed any other validation issues.
When a user needs to update or change a value in a field that is part of the primary key, this can be done by including the Record ID in the data file.
This error is received if the change being made will result in a duplicate record.
Steps to Resolve
Review your existing data in the system to confirm that you are updating the correct record and that changes are not needed for other records.
Detailed error message: Hidden data is currently stored in this field, but your file provided a blank value. As a result, we are not able to process your import automatically. If you wish to proceed, please either remove the column from your file and resubmit, or click "Submit Data Import Work Request".
This error occurs if you attempt to “clear out” the data in a hidden field by providing a blank value for the field in your data file.
Steps to Resolve
Review your file and system to ensure that it is your desire to delete the data in this field.
If your intent is to delete the data, submit the import as a work request.
Detailed error message: You provided the column(s) below, but we were unable to find the matching question(s) on the screen. Please review these column headers to ensure you are using the question codes defined for each, and update and resubmit your data import file if needed. Please see the Configuration Report, linked to above, for the question codes to use. If no question exists for a column you provided, please remove that column from the file and resubmit.
This error occurs when the system does not recognize one of the column names in your file.
Steps to Resolve
Review your Configuration Report to ensure that:
The column names in your import file exactly match the field names in your Configuration Report.
The column names are upper or lowercase as needed to match the field names in your Configuration Report.
Your file does not contain any columns that are not listed in your Configuration Report.
Note: If you run an export data report in order to find the data you want to update, you will likely have some columns containing metadata such as DATE_START and DATE_END that do not actually exist on the screen. These will need to be removed prior to import.
Detailed error message: You chose to update existing records, but we were unable to find a match in the system using the ID provided. If these should be created as new records, please modify your choice in the previous step, remove the "ID" column, and resubmit your file. Otherwise, please remove these records from your data import file and resubmit.
When you attempt to update records based on Record ID (rather than Primary Key), this error can occur if the system cannot find the matching Record ID.
Steps to Resolve
Review your file to ensure that you are including correct record ID values.
Review the record IDs in your file to ensure they were not truncated or displayed in scientific notation.
Error: 'Node not visible due to restrictions'
Detailed error message: The users listed above do not have access to this field. Please revise your data import file to either.
The users listed above do not have access to this field. Please revise your data import file to either.
Steps to Resolve
Remove the values for this field for these users, or Remove the rows in the file for these users and submit those through a separate import, excluding the column for this field.
If access to this field should instead be granted for these users, please note that below and proceed to submit this as a Data Import Work Request once you have addressed any other validation issues.
Some fields in your system may only be accessible to users in certain colleges or departments. For example, AACSB fields may only be accessed by the College of Business.
This error occurs if you attempt to upload data to a field that is unique to a college or department for a user who doesn’t belong to that college or department.
Steps to Resolve
Review your Configuration Report to determine which colleges or departments have access to this field.
Review the user’s most recently Yearly Data record to determine in which college or department the user belongs.
Update the system or file as needed or submit as a work request with instructions to change the access to this field.
You may need to divide your import file into multiple imports to allow for importing to unit-customized fields.
For example, if needing to update a field specific to the College of Business, provide only users within the College of Business in the import file to correctly import data to this field.
Detailed error message: Data exists in this file for the users below however it is not possible to import data for these users.
When you import data, the system uses the a user identifier (generally the username or a secondary user ID) to assign the record to the appropriate user. If no match to the user can be found, this error will result.
Steps to Resolve
Review the Download All User Information file, found in the Users and Security utility, to ensure that the user exists in your system, has Manage Activities and that the user identifier in your file matches the identifier in the system.
Create the new user in your system and/or update your file as needed.
Detailed error message: Sorry, but there's something unusual about data in this file. Please ensure that the file you just tried is a valid CSV file. Please also ensure your file contains all Primary Key fields for this screen.
This error can occur if your file is not correctly formatted as a valid .CSV file or if there are multiple errors that the system finds in your file.
Steps to Resolve
Review that your file is saved in a .CSV file format, contains numbers in the correct format or contains no additional spaces.
Review your file to ensure that column names are correctly formatted and named, that usernames are accurate and that you have included all of the fields that make up the primary key.
If none of these items resolve the error, please submit via a work request for further troubleshooting.